Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rodent Spotlight: Springhare

What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a kangaroo? A springhare! Get it?! No really, there is actually an animal called a springhare that looks remarkably like what I just described. Only this animal is neither a lagomorph or a marsupial--it is a rodent!

I'm really unsure why this wonderful animal is so unheard of. True, it is really only indigenous to Africa, but there are many animals overseas that delight us Americans. Sometimes, it boggles my mind why certain rodents fall into obscurity.

Springhares have both the charm and companionship of a bunny while possessing that amazing hopping speed of the kangaroo. They love vegetables--which means carrots--and have fun ears that go FLOP when they are sleepy, sad, or just want to keep the sand out. They know how to forage and make burrows as well and enjoy a good romp in the moonlight.

I can imagine a village of these guys all hopping around trying to get business done for the day. There would be a mighty vegetable trade which means farming--lots of farming! I also see them as very friendly fellows but also a bit on the sensitive side. By the latter comment I mean that they can easily get their feelings hurt. Really... I wasn't TRYING to hurt his feelings when I said that his tail was not as long as the other springhares, but when I saw those ears flop down and those big, black eyes look back at me with sorrow, I sure felt like a real heel. Just remember folks, it never hurts to apologize to an upset springhare.

Fiction can SPRING up from just about any crevice of imagination that this world has to offer. Sometimes, we overlook things for the more common or mainstream. I encourage everyone to open there eyes and see what is out there. Springhares are absolutely lovely creatures. As rodents go, they are one of the most adorable ones in existence. If you were in a room with a dozen of them hopping around looking for spare bits of carrot, I am sure there would be no reason to complain. And when it's time for bed, just scoop one up into your arms and watch those ears flop down as they fall into a gentle slumber. There is simply not enough sugar in the world to match the sweetness of a springhare.

Thank you for reading this blog. If you enjoyed it, drop me a comment below, or you can email me at D'aww.


  1. Weird but cute little critter. It's funny how their ears drop when they go to sleep. And they bounce back up when they wake...
