Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Imagine a Pagan Christmas

Imagine a world that has just barely survived extinction. The world was nearly drowned in a Great Flood, and only a handful of people survived it.

Imagine a man dressed in red who has proclaimed himself the moral leader of the world. You know him as Nimrod. Nimrod promises you great things for a price. You must only follow the orders that he gives you.

Imagine Nimrod as a very notable person who rides about the earth on a deer. He smiles a lot and makes great promises that cause you to feel very warm inside.

Imagine going out and cutting down a tree. You put the tree inside your house and set candles upon it. Nimrod has asked that you do this for him. This is the moral and right thing to do, so you do it to please him. Nimrod always rewards those who please him.

Imagine the magic of that beautiful morning. Presents are all about the tree. Things you wanted dearly are there for you to take. You did a good thing making the tree offering to Nimrod.

Imagine the family who did not perform the ceremony correctly. Not enough candles... the wrong tree... Perhaps they did not do it at all. The shame! Did they not wish to give glory to the one who promised them such wonderful things?

Imagine the moment when a large and nasty horned beast makes its way into this family's home. He is the satyr prince. You know him as Baphomet. To his victims, he is the Krampus. The Krampus is here to take what his master Nimrod was rejected.

Imagine this large creature picking up your first born child and putting him into a sack. He may take more than one of your children if he feels like it. He then leaves with them, and you never get to see them again.

Imagine the things that the Krampus will do to your children. Or maybe you shouldn't. It may be better to forget those things. It may be best to only imagine nice and happy things. Go cut down the right tree. Put up the proper amount of candles, and set them right. Sing out songs of joy to the deer-riding Nimrod. Do these things for the sake of your future children, because the children you lost are never coming back.

Imagine if all these things were true today... and be very happy... that they aren't.

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  1. Spooky! It is especially frightening because that world was on the verge of coming back. Fortunately, the Orange Man is a better man than Nimrod and his Krampus.

  2. It seems they had a very bleak view of the world. If monsters are roaming about stealing children, then they need to be stopped. Their master is promising goodies as a means of control.

    1. People were subdued by their own lusts. It happens even today.

  3. Many still worship Nimrod in their holiday fretting and commercialism. All things are clean of themselves, the spirit of the celebration determines everything. We should ask ourselves in these holidays, Are we honoring the Lord or are we perpetuating hedonism/paganism?

    1. Not many really care about the meaning of the holiday. This leads to the sacrifice of innocents.
