Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Zombies and Vampires

A question: What happens if a body is dead but the energy doesn't leave like it should?

Why would this even happen and how? Well, for the sake of argument, let's just say that we found a way to do it or it was some sort of supernatural event. Whatever the case may be it happens and the question still stands.

The simple answer to this is that it would provide a scenario where booth zombies and/or vampires could realistically exist. This is what we call the undead.

Heh. I always found the term "undead" a little weird. When I was young I would always ask, "Why don't they just call it 'alive' rather than undead. Isn't that what un-dead means?" If you look at how the word is presented, one might assume that it is merely a word meaning the same thing as living. But undead is still dead. Zombies are dead. Vampires are dead. The term undead merely means they should be dead but for some reason are still walking around.

From more of a mystical and scientific perspective, a dead body that does not eject its energy properly will continue to move. It will still access the body's functions the best that it can. It may also continue to produce new cells. But the human, that is... what the human actually is... has left to move on to another realm. The thing that is left is... a thing. It's a creature. It's an animal. It's not a person.

Zombie lore greatly suggests that the human is no longer who they once were, but they have turned into a feral creature who seeks out food. Realistically they would try and rape people as well, but that never made it into the popular lore. Can you imagine that? Zombie movies where zombies are both eating people and raping them? It makes sense. The base urges of a human being is to eat and breed.

Vampires seem to be the same thing but with their intelligence entirely present. They are more like people. You can talk to them and hold a conversation. Nevertheless they are still not who they once were. The human that once was that person has moved on to the next realm. Although cultured and civilized, the vampire is still dead and acting on its natural urges like an animal. They still need to feed, and perhaps the sexual aspect of the human animal comes out better with them than with popularized zombies.

In both cases, I've noticed that the energy that remains in the dead body does expend quite fast. This forces the zombie and/or vampire to seek ways of replenishing its lost energy. A zombie will gore a living human. A vampire will suck a living human's blood. If either cannot do this, realistically it should expire within an amount of time, or at the very least fall into a dormant state.

So shouldn't they die again when the energy runs out? Is a dormant state even plausible? The answer: Well, I think that if the dead body was able to hold in its energy in the first place it might be able to keep that small amount inside it indefinitely. So the idea of an undead creature merely dropping into a dormant state, such as a vampire lasting centuries within a coffin, seems plausible. But without that ability, it would naturally expire, a second death, and that would be the end of it.

I hope you enjoyed this more realistic look into how zombies and vampires would realistically function.

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  1. Wow! It actually made sense. The energy is lingering in a broken vessel. It's like a cup with small cracks or holes: able to hold water but not for long lest readily replenished. If the undead becomes dormant rather than expires without energy renewal, it seems the body is more like a defective, rechargeable battery that holds on to that last charge...for dear life.

    1. Last line was the best. Holy crap. So well spoken! You earned a medal!

  2. You know I really never thought about zombies having the urge to rape, but now that you mention it I can't think of any other way. Your description of how the energy depletion works rings true as well. They would be constantly fighting entropy.

    1. You know that I have seen some fiction where zombies do that. It's a bit more underground, but I think it makes more sense then just eating brains.

  3. Our thoughts do not make us who we are. Animals can be intelligent, but that does not make them people. The undead are merely dead things in motion.

    1. I don't think the undead are creatures of coincident. I do think something causes it that is malevolent. But it is still a matter of trapping energy where it doesn't belong.
