Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Satan Unleashed!

I always found it silly... the whole idea that God is struggling against Satan. Lucifer may be a different sort of creature than us humans, but both angels and us are direct creations of God. We are entirely subject to his whims. He can easily squish us under the impossible weight of his pinky finger. Satan is under the same threat. There is no struggle. There never was.

Satan is 100% beholden to God. Whenever Satan "gets away" with something, it is because God allowed it. But why would God allow someone who is essentially evil to accomplish any evil things at all? Well, like us, the angels were provided free will. They get to make their choices. Satan, intensely jealous of God, chose to do things his way, and God allowed it.

Lucifer felt that God was not being very fair. It was very much the very first fairness claim in all of history. Lucifer thinks that everyone should be completely the same. Equal. The very notion of equality came from him. Equal in that he does not think that there should be some who are higher and others who are lower. Everything should just be perfectly the same and just be boring that way.

Even so, Lucifer sees humans are something more like stupid monkeys with very chaotic habits. He does not really consider us all that smart. He sees us more as beasts that need to be corralled and controlled. The idea of equality is still there, but he prefers to think that the highest percentage of equality should belong to him and his angelic followers. Yes, I know that last sentence did not make much logical sense, but remember that he doesn't really care much for human beings.

On that last point, I'm inclined to agree. We do tend to get out of control. We do stupid things and listen to stupid people. As human beings, we tend to do a little bit better on our own... as individuals. We are at our worse when we form into groups. A collectives IQ just means that each individual IQ tends to be quite small. These groups are actually deceptively stupid when it comes down to it. This is what Lucifer is probably noticing, and he isn't wrong.

But throughout all of our chaos, we do spring up a few individuals that create wonderful things that all the silly ones can enjoy. They make our lives better and often more comfortable. We tend to revere these singular people as well. Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin are a couple of examples of individuals that made our lives easier.

Satan finds these few people interesting as well, but only as a novelty. In the end, he just sees them as useful tools that will live and die. In general, Lucifer just puts us all into a big box of ridiculous creatures who aren't good for much. And I suppose, that's one of the points he wanted to make. He wanted to prove to God that he really was wasting his time.

I think God sometimes wonders this same thing when you see people roam about without thinking their own thoughts. They stare at the TV and, for some odd reason, instantly believe everything they see on every channel, even if the information conflicts. I am reminded back when the Israelites made their golden calf after bearing witness to a slew of miracles. Humans really are quite ridiculous in groups.

So if God wants to give Satan that pat on the back and let him loose for a while, maybe we all deserve it. What's the worse he can do? Make the world a far more boring and pointless place to live? He's done it before. God probably let him do it then as well. You see, God is fine with Satan having his way sometimes. In fact, it may actually be justified. Why should God care about his people when they barely even acknowledge that He is even real? I suppose everyone thought Heaven was just going to be like Earth but with better TV reception?

Sorry, Folks. It doesn't work that way.

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  1. People ask, "Why does God allow evil in the world?" You answer by asking "Why not?" You remind humanity of its own stupidity. God has NO reason to spare the stupid little creatures who languish of their own accord. He allows Satan to make it more interesting.

    1. There are so many Christians living in sin, and so many priests and pastors that allow it. If I was God, I'd be pissed too.

  2. Great insight on all points! Indeed Lucifer is completely beholden to God, if God says jump he doesn't wait to see how high he is already in the air. Everything Satan does is allowed by God and if we fall for his lies we deserve everything coming to us. We have to bother, those who don't are easily fooled.

    1. Satan will still do as told, and often he is told to do what he wants.

  3. Since Satan cannot create, he would rather control. If it means corrupting and destroying, then he will do it. Just like humanity, he will do anything to get what he wants.
