Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Do You Know Who God Is?

I'm going to go ahead and answer the question asked in the title of this blog: "No, you probably don't." Most people don't. Most people have never been properly told who he is or what he is like. They speak of this great being that can neither be reached, seen, or understood. They will tell you what he means and how we should behave when dealing with him, but aside from those things, they tell us nothing of this mysterious spook who apparently created the world.

God is real, but unless you actually bother to understand him, I really recommend you just stop. Seriously, don't even pray or anything. Most of the Christians of this world know the spiel about God the Father who gave his only Son to die for our sins. But just saying that sounds so vacant of anything meaningful.

Who even was God the Father? Do you even know? Have you bothered to seek him out outside of the do's and don'ts handed down by the local church? People today are so trapped by routines and dogma that they can't properly even understand who these two beings really were and are to this day.

Everybody who is bothering to be a Christian has to actually bother. They have to do more than to make the sign of the cross and say shockingly similar prays over and over again just to maintain what they believe is a faith. If Jesus is the Way, then you need to find out what that way is and why it was Him who became that Standard. Actually bother. Being a Christian is more than just joining a club, it's actually incorporating yourself into a real part of history. Not only history but the very fabric of creation itself.

Somewhere out there there is a real person with real feelings to whom we call God. He handed down a real person with real feelings in the form we call Jesus. Jesus was baptized by a third entity who was a real person with real feelings called the Holy Spirit. All this happened and is still happening. If all you can do is just play these little games, pray, go to church, and signal to one another that you are good, little Christians, then you know nothing. You never knew anything. You never bothered to know anything.

The answers are out there. They are clear for those who bother to look for them. If they had not been clear, Christianity would have died a long time ago. All these people are real, and you should seek them out. If you don't have enough gumption to bother, then I highly recommend you stop claiming to be a Christian. Christ died for you. If you can't even take five minutes to find out who He and his Father was and are, then you're just going in for the free ride to Heaven. News Flash: you aren't welcome there!

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. Wow! The profound point is that God is indeed PERSONAL. People claim to have a "personal relationship" with Jesus... yet they fail to see him as a... PERSON. I know this because if you ask these people who claim to have a "personal relationship" to describe Jesus as the PERSON he really is... all they give you is an idealized nonentity of infinite power and wisdom... who loves EVERYONE EQUALLY as if IMPERSONAL love is somehow the best.

    1. Very few people ever bother to actually get to know God. They only get involved in religion to suit themselves. These people do not know God. They only know in what way they perceive him and that is often made up anyways.

  2. Indeed to know God is not to be told of him. It requires someone to bother to search for him though our action, we have to actually create to be of interest to him. Those who actually follow The Way can find God, the silly games and virtue signals only push us further away. Very few ever bother to see things from God's perspective, why should he know us if we never get to know him.

    1. God was always there to find. It just takes an actual effort to find him. Just being told about him won't get you there. After being told of his existence, it is up to you to find him, and few actually bother to do this.

  3. People talk about having a personal relationship with someone who is not a person to them. They want to get something out of this being without getting to know who He is. Once you realize that He lives, the rest will start to become clear.

    1. Actually it works in layers. Yes, you get more of an understanding once you realize that He is alive, but all that means is that he is not a zombie. You still gotta keep digging. There's way more to the story.
