Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Holy Bible [Book Review]

"The Holy Bible" is a collection of sixty-six books, broken up into two main sections called "The Old Testament" and "The New Testament." It has many authors. It is also, just flatly, a freaking huge book. The version I was reading from was the King James Version. I didn't have that much trouble with it.

Although I still have some other religious books not included in this to read, I do honestly feel like I have reached the top of a very high mountain. I remember back when I was trying to read all of L. Frank Baum's books. I think it took about as much time all put together.

I read this book because I was disenchanted with the modern church and all the stuff I had been taught in Sunday School growing up. And after reading it, and truly loving the book, I am still, possibly even more, disenchanted with the church. It seems to me that very few Christians even understand their own religion.

Every time I see a Christian look aghast at me when I say a curse word, I pretty much know now that they likely have not read this book in full, and if they did, someone was probably feeding silly context to them while they did it. This book was meant to be read on an individual basis and not be given interpretations by worldly wise people. [That's a "Pilgrim's Progress reference for all you fanboys out there.]

I don't have a problem when people get together and discuss the Bible, but when people just turn into a big old echo chamber, constantly spouting these little quotes here and there, nobody really knows what they are talking about anymore. The Bible is a fantastic book. It is a fairy tale. It is also very true. Every bit of it. It is a true fairy tale. It actually happened, and will happen.

If you actually want to know what Christianity really is, stop letting people tell you, and read this book. Don't try too hard to interpret it. Don't look for metaphors. It's all plainly written and explained for those who want to bother learning. It won't take long. In the whole of a person's life, it only takes less than 1% of it to read the whole thing. I recommend "The Holy Bible" to anyone who actually wants to take Christianity seriously, but if you want to be lazy and just let the Church lead you around on a leash, then do... not... bother.

This blog was written on March 18, 2022.

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  1. A wonderful review that assures confidence. No need to worry about your own "credentials." Seek truth, not "authoritative sources" that are as sinful and fallible as everything else in these needlessly hellish world. Just be honest with yourself... and read accordingly.

    1. Just read it. Read the whole thing. Stop letting people you barely know tell you what the truth is. Research it yourself as an individual. Stop being a meaningless person in a crowd.

  2. You went to the source and discovered The Truth for yourself. Instead of relying on the poor translations and feelgood nonsense you found out for yourself. Your journey has been an insightful one, I have enjoyed your insights greatly.

    1. I appreciate all the comments! Thanks for taking this journey with me.

  3. To be a Christian requires a relationship with a real person. The Old Testament shows why we need Him and the New Testament shows what He did for us. Read both for yourself if you wish to know the Truth.

    1. People think its too big to make time for. 10 months is a very small fraction of anyone's life.
