Friday, July 8, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Esdras I [Book Review]

"Esdras I" is a book found within the "Apocrypha." I couldn't really figure out who wrote it. There was a ton of speculation about it, but I don't really like going into that. But what is this book?

Remember way back when I reviewed an Old Testament book called "Ezra?" Well, other than some minor differences, this is really the same book, but perhaps a teeny bit more. The truth is that there's also a little bit of "Chronicles II" and "Nehemiah" mixed into it as well.

In brief, the book is really all about the Jews finally being allowed to return to Jerusalem and to rebuild the Temple. Esdras (Ezra) is put in charge of teaching the people the laws handed down by Moses. Unfortunately, all of the people have been sinning over the years and marrying sinful heathens.

Honestly, the only thing in this book that was really exclusive was this interesting contest handed out by King Darius. He wanted to see who could speak the wisest saying, but it turned out to be more of a contest to see what is the most powerful of several things. The three contestants were wine, the king, and women, but there was a late forth entry that was "truth." The truth won out in the end, which I rather liked.

Other than that, I have really already blogged about this book. It was okay to read over again. I took it to be something of a refresher. It's time to move on though. I still have a lot ahead of me. As for a recommendation, I'm not sure this book really qualifies. Despite the extra content of "Esdras I,"  don't think it's worth your time. The book of "Ezra" was serviceable enough. Just read that one. It's easier to find.

This blog was written on May 22, 2022.

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  1. That makes so much sense that worldly pleasures and ambitions would be the contenders and truth neglected entirely... until a seeker of truth threw it into the contest. Humanity has not changed in the slightest.

    1. Yeah, the contest was cool. I think the reason it was omitted was because it felt a little out of place. It doesn't have much to do with what the story was about.

  2. The truth is that we do not know anything. However, there is one who knows all. Trust in Him, and do not lean on your own understanding.

    1. Yes. We cannot know everything no matter how hard we try.

  3. Interesting, of course the people would be back to their sinful ways... like a moth to the flame. The Truth is the beginning and the end, to pretend otherwise is foolish and insincere.
