Monday, September 2, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Last Time I Proposed [Short Story Review]

[I don't really spoil anything about this story.]

"The Last Time I Proposed" is a short story written by Liam Spencer. It was published in 2012. I am not sure how to classify this one. I haven't really read anything like it.

I don't always feel like I belong in this world. I have a lot of beliefs and morals that don't line up with the common practices of Planet Earth. Because of this, I am often depressed, especially if I think about it too much. This story makes those feelings come alive in a bad way.

The whole story is just miserable humans doing miserable human things. There's no real love or anything in it. It's just terrible people playing the same games everyone always plays with each other. It's about a man trying to chose the woman he wants to marry, but it's more about him than her. And she isn't all that great either. Both are divorcees. Both have to have sex in order to figure each other out. It feels more like he is shopping for a wife than really trying to form a real relationship.

The problem is that everything in this story just feels like it's normal. Nothing feels taboo or wrong. It's meant for people who just know about this game and play it. Honestly, I just can't get into it. It just makes me feel like I was born into the wrong world.

The story never really grabbed me. The ending especially lost me. It doesn't even feel like it had an ending. The author just sort of stopped writing it, making it feel like the characters were lost in a limbo of sorts. I also noticed that towards the very end of the story, typos began to happen frequently. Maybe the author was just sort of giving up himself. Who knows? I can't really speak for him.

Either way, I don't really recommend this one. I just don't get it, and I certainly don't want it.

This blog was written on July 8, 2024.

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  1. If the theme was sadness but the author accepts his sadness, then he would lose heart. Then again, losing heart inspired Edgar Allan Poe. Then again, much of what is wrong with Poe is from his every inspiration.

  2. People tend to be quite selfish. Yet, they want others to be concerned about them. Still, they rarely admit the hypocrisy.
