Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Rodent Spotlight: Mouse (Redux Rursus)

Did you know that my very first animal spotlight was for the mouse? It was released on July 13, 2013 and was followed by the first rat spotlight. I then went dark for nearly a whole year. Anyways, if you want to read the very first spotlight I ever did, just click HERE. There is also a second one I did later which you can find by clicking HERE. And now, let us begin.

In the beginning, there was a mouse. He was just a tiny, little thing. He was cute, so there was at least that going for him. But really, there was not much to say about him. Over time, this mouse would run about trying to find his place in the world. Most animals did not bother with such things. They are already pretty good at doing this and that, but the mouse wanted more.

Living in the wild worked out well. He enjoyed eating seeds and living in holes. It was difficult in the wild, but the mouse was always optimistic. Most mice are. Much of the cynicism fall upon the rats. No, mice aspire to greater things. So eventually, living safely in the wild did not seem like it was going to be enough.

The mouse then decided to be our pet. He liked that too. As it turns out, wood shavings are much more fun to burrow in and pee on. The only predator to worry about is a local cat and he can't do anything while the mouse is in a cage. But then... the cage really is a problem. It's a fun place to live, but nothing really happens. Oh, sure, the wheel makes it seem like you're going places, but are you really? No. The mouse moved on.

The mouse discovered the sword. Well, it was not really a sword as much as it was a needle. But it might as well be a sword when your only two inches tall. Yes, he was small, but this sword somehow made him feel much larger, and he was ready to take on the world. He trained day after day to become a great hero, and one day, he set out to seek his fortune.

Now, this story can end in a number of ways, and you are certainly welcome to imagine how that will happen. But the point of it is that the mouse was never content with his lot and always wanted more out of life than the small portion that he was given. He was small, and he certainly had that to consider; however, he was going to try for greater things regardless.

Many people throughout history have romanticized mice to aspire for far greater things than they are likely capable of in reality. I have done the same. We come into this world with a very small starter's kit and a world that seems far bigger than us. Some people fold and others keep trying no matter how hard it gets. This is why we like mice so much. They stand with rats as my two favorite animals in the world. I love them both so much.

Next week will be the very last Animal Spotlight. It is all about to come to an end. Thanks to everyone who has stuck by me as I have put these out every Tuesday for so many years. I've never had so much fun.

Thank you for reading this blog. If you enjoyed it, you can comment below, or you can email me at tkwadeauthor@gmail.com. Squeak!


  1. Mice are small, but they have a strong instinct for survival. They can get into the most unlikely of places. And they are quite difficult to catch.

    1. Few have the quickness of a feline, but mice can fool them too.

  2. I did not know how inspiring mice could be until I met you my friend. I love the imaginative storytelling experience of "Mouse Guard" and how even a small mouse can have a great effect in the world. The least is greatest indeed.

    1. It's one of those things that only made sense in the mind of a human being. From an outside perspective, it is utterly odd. I can imagine angels and demons are completely perplexed by the concept alone.
