Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Bureaucracy of Demons

For those of you who have been reading my Fairy Tale Spotlights for a while, you may have noticed that I often equate anything inhuman within a fairy tale to be a demon. The reason this happens is because I feel that many of these stories are based on real events. I believe that there are two kinds of sentient creatures that can exist on this planet: Human Beings and Demonic Entities. The latter includes angels since they are recorded to be the same species of creature.

Demons are creatures born of fire that can breed with creatures with life on Earth and form what are known as hybrids (which I still refer to as demons or demon hybrids.) In our old stories, these hybrids surfaced as various different anomalies such as trolls, manikins, satyrs, elves, and the like. And from these encounters, we have formed legends. These last two paragraphs have been a crash coarse in demonology to assist you with what this blog is really about.

Imagine a clockwork toy shaped like a castle. You wind it up and a series of animations occur where little people dance, people pop out of windows and wave, and music plays along with all these things that happen. It all happens again and again and always the same way every time the toy is wound. This is how a demon operates. He is made a certain way and has to always do things based on those set of rules. He is a perfect being who always does things the way he was meant to. During his lifetime, and often moments after his creation, he is given one single choice which simply amounts to either good or evil. Once the choice is made, he will operate perfectly on that chosen premise for the remainder of eternity.

If evil is the chosen way of things, he will be cast down to the earth where he will breed with... something or someone. This will produce an offspring which is a corrupted hybrid of the original entity. This new demon is not quite as efficient as the original but nothing to sneeze at. He will carry out his life by a very strict set of rules that must be followed without question. There can be no deviation whatsoever. Anything that seems like a deviation is actually still following the rules based on the new circumstance. They are what they are and cannot be anything else.

Demons are obsessed with getting everything right. They are also obsessed with everything being fair--at least for them. But they preach fairness and efficiency as if it was a religion. Human beings hear about fairness, and it sounds good to them so it is adopted.

Fairness is all about making sure no one is shortchanged in life. Everyone must be treated well and considered equal to everyone else. The prince of demons felt shortchanged by God and so chose to create fairness to sate his own ego. Humans have egos too and so fairness sounded great at the time.

Here is the problem with fairness.

As it turns out, not everyone is equal. We all came in different sizes, with different personalities, with different likes and dislikes, with different things that makes us happy or sad, with different tastes in food, with different likes in literature, movies, romances, etc, etc, etc. With billions of people in the world and each one having their own likes and dislikes, it is statistically and even universally impossible to make everyone happy. The correction? Make everyone miserable and convince them that it is normal to be miserable.

Accepting misery is not enough though. A concerted effort must be made to remove humanity from the human. Things like gender must also be removed. We can no longer me male or female but blank entities that can choose for ourselves what we are. The problem with this is that it is all made up in our heads, We are walking around saying we are one thing and reality is supposed to bend to it, I suppose. I was under the impression reality was what it was despite what we thought of it. I did not know one person could imagine that I was really a cat and that I would become a cat. Not that being a cat is so horrible, but I'd like a second opinion.

The demonic religion of efficiency and fairness is commonly called bureaucracy. It is a complicated system of managing things in the world to make sure that as many people as possible are happy in their misery. They carefully dole out just enough happiness to satisfy people, and they do it in the most efficient way possible, which when you consider it has to render all this to over a billion people, it does take time. Bureaucracy, by its very nature, is very slow for this reason.

If I were to mention to my fellow man that bureaucracy was the work of demons, I would probably get a chuckle and a nod. I don't know many people who really enjoy the concept of bureaucracy, as the misery it doles out causes them to be fairly resentful. But for some reason, most people still seem to promote it for no better reason than it has been there for so long and seems to work well enough.

Here is a question! How long does it take to build a house? The answer is 2 days. One day for the foundation to dry and the 2nd to do the rest. I saw it actually happen once. If enough people care and are actually free to do as they please and help one another, we'd have very little trouble building homes for ourselves. But a system has been put in place that is supposed to make sure that each and every house is built in the name of efficiency and fairness. All regulations must be followed. All fees must be paid. Everything must be 100% shipshape in the name of the almighty bureaucracy. That is... unless you have the special connections to bypass it all. In that case, you can write your own ticket.

I guess there was a day when demons looked like elves, fairies, talking plants, and the like, but not today. Today they look like men. Powerful men in high places all wearing suits and smiles on their faces. They are geniuses that know how to manipulate the world around them, and they do so with exceptional perfection. They live by a set of rules--rules that usually benefit them. They teach us that they fight so hard for things to be fair for us, but all those regulations only make things all the harder. Yet we are supposed to be happy with what we are given.

Just so you are not confused, I am not saying that they should give me anything that belongs to them. I only ask that I be given a chance. Freedom is what I am really asking for. I want to go out and make my own way in life without being drenched in all this fairness. I understand there are those who need help, and I would love to help them if given the opportunity. But I also know there are those who do not deserve the help. I want the chance to choose who I help and when. I care for those who are genuine and real. I should not be forced to simply be a part of a never ending clockwork toy made by demons who only see me as such.

Let me just end this blog with a little bit of clarity. This world has really been gummed up over a period of thousands of years. It's hard to see what's right in front of your face anymore. I want you to sit somewhere alone sometime and ask yourself, "What would I do if money were no object at all?" Don't worry about what the rest of the world would say to you. It's not important. Just focus on that one question and its answer. And then, if you can build up enough determination, I want you to stand up and do everything you can to make what you chose happen. Go out and do it! And never take no for an answer. This world is your birthright.

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Did you hate it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at tkwadeauthor@gmail.com. Thanks!


  1. Yes, the well-oiled machine is the ideal... of sentient well-oiled machines. The wheels keep turning but never get further no matter how fast they spin as gears. The devils and demons pour blood into the mix to use as oil. Human blood is salty, however, and the gears of this world are rusting... and grinding. The machine is getting old... and is grinding to a halt. It will catch fire... and burn in the flames of the final apocalypse.

    1. To them, we are nothing but assets. It is really that simple.

  2. These creatures are just another form of machine. And they are determined to make the entire world as dull as they are. They promise much, never intending to deliver.

    1. They are machines. That are essentially robots made by God.

  3. These entities infect the world with their needless rules that keep humans from their true purpose. A world of bureaucracy is a very dull and sad one indeed. The shameful part is that these demons only have power over us if we give it to them willingly, this is why the idea of fairness has spread people are opting to believe the lies.

    1. We were never meant to be a part of the grind. The demons were good at it, but they were never supposed to involve us.
