Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Miracles of Jesus Christ (A Non-Fundamentalist's Perspective)

Probably one of the most important aspects of the life of Jesus Christ was the miracles he seemed to be able to perform during his lifetime. Turning water into wine and walking on water are all very spectacular, even by today's standards. Most people today would have to perform some sort of trick just to get those things to work, and even then it would be an illusion. For the record, I don't think that the miracles of Jesus were simply an illusion. They were as written: miracles.

The common line of fundamentalists is that these miracles were performed by Jesus himself as proof that he was literally the son of God. Let me say that in a slightly different way. They mean that Jesus was himself God and came down with the powers of God. On the latter point, I disagree. Jesus was human, and as a human, he was unable to perform any of those miracles. Also like a human, he was capable of dying. God is immortal; Jesus was not. Jesus never even once perform a miracle.

If Jesus did not perform a miracle, who did? Well, obviously it was God (the Father). You see, Jesus may have simply been a man, but he had the fortunate benefit of being the actual mortal son of God. And it was up to God (the Father) to bestow upon Jesus these miracles so that they could be witnessed by the people.

Let me be clear: Jesus was no different than any of us other than the surprising aspect of his lineage. The Father gave us a mortal man to let us know something very interesting. That we are ultimately like Jesus, just without having God as our father. Still miracles can be performed. We simply have to work harder to make them occur. And we do perform miracles quite often. Going to the moon was a big one in my book.

I just worry that, if people make Jesus out to be this big untouchable entity, that we, as the human race, can never really achieve anything of worth. Because, let's just be honest, if God sets the standard of worth, we have a long way to go. We're not getting anywhere when we stand still and worship someone who is impossible to ever be equal with. Jesus was, however, at equal to us, and we should have really listened when he was desperately trying to make that point by washing the feet of his apostles (who seemed just as oblivious to this detail as well, by the by.)

The miracles of Jesus Christ may have been accomplished by God, but they were still Jesus' miracles. We can do miracles too. Jesus almost convinced Peter of that when he actually began walking on water himself. This was until he freaked out and began to sink. I don't think God or Jesus was actually helping Peter in this case. Peter did that on his own. How cool is that? Have an open mind, people. If you want to live in a box, you'll die in there never knowing how truly wonderful this world is. God bless you all.

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you like it? Did you hate it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at Peace!


  1. Yes! People forget the whole part about Jesus being THE WAY. The life of Jesus was a demonstration, one that each and every one of us has the ability to emulate (with our own talents) and do impossible things. Excellent example with Peter, he doubted his own abilities much like the common man.

    1. I know it is hard to believe that Peter did it himself. How can one walk on water simply by believing? Wouldn't there be a trick or technique to it. Actually yes, and Peter observed and did the same thing he saw with a little encouragement from Jesus himself.

      Have you ever tried to do something you saw someone else do, but would screw up when you doubted yourself? Same concept. To do anything, you have to put your all into it, especially when what you are doing is a complicated procedure. And let's admit to it: walking on water doesn't just work. You gotta know how. Peter figured it out... at least briefly.

  2. WHOSOEVER IS THE LEAST AMONG YOU IS THE GREATEST is something people tend to forget Jesus said. The message disinterests them. Their vanity would rather there are rules to master. They pride themselves in "knowing" the rules and "playing" by them. Their game is not the Way. There is no Truth or Life in any rules. Jesus was indeed mortal and only human. As such he was the greatest among us.

    1. I get a little flack from people when I refer to him as mortal and only human. Some religions reduce Jesus to a simple teacher who came to tell us good news. What I said is not to be confused with that. Jesus was actually the sun of God, but he came as a man who could die. If he had been immortal and had super powers, then how would this be any different than other parts of the Bible? It would just have been another supernatural encounter.
