Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: After Our Divine Spinoff

After I finished writing Our Divine Comedy and wrapped up the book for Amazon, I sat back and thought about some of the stories I had forgotten. Also there was one I intended to include, yet forgot. The latter was Job, for after reading the story in the Bible, I got the impression that it was somehow a dark comedy of sorts.

At first, I had given it up as a loss. I had not had any hurricane-induced vision to make a sequel. It felt like writing it was some sort of sacrilege. I later changed my mind, however. I just really wanted to give my perspective on these three stories.

Samson, to me, was clearly a demon hybrid sanctioned by God. Job was proof of God's mischievousness and also represented our position in the creation tiers. And then there was Saint Christopher... the Cynocephaly.

I had to take a deep breath before writing about Christopher. The problem with the story is that it is found nowhere in the Bible. It's more of a Christian legend. His story was something that I really felt strongly about. It was rather dropped in my lap one day when I found a Saint Christopher medallion laying near me at my friend's house. I had no idea who he was, so I did research on him. One thing led to another and a much greater story began to unfold.

Of all three of the stories in Our Divine Spinoff, the story of Saint Christopher is the one that means the most to me. It shows that God really is the ultimate rule breaker. There is nothing he cannot do... even when it comes to saving a legitimate demon. It has greatly strengthened my love and allegiance in Christ.

I personally learned that we are not meant to be creatures bound by petty rules and laws which change on the hour. We are free and whimsical beings like the God who created the platypus and the giraffe. We were never meant to live by a set of rules, but rather... we should find what we are good at and do what we can to make this world a better place... even by small degrees.

I am happy to say that, after writing Our Divine Spinoff, I have said what I wanted to say about life, the universe, the spirit, and all things that make up the whole of reality. I've made the effort and am pleased with the result. And though I may later be proven wrong, I know that I did my best with the resources that were given to me. And for all this, I find myself entirely content.

Thank you all for reading these blogs. Thanks to those who left comments. I responded to all of them. It's time for me to move back into the realm of fairy tales and lore and I leave the Divine series behind. And as I once said before, I'll see you all again someday... in the beginning.

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at tkwadeauthor@gmail.com. You can also visit my website at www.tkwade.com. Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. The Divine Spinoffs were your testimony that God was never in the box creations presume to put him in. He laughs at their box and makes a point to put it over their heads, for his PERSONAL amusement. After all, God is entirely PERSONAL. The impersonal is contrived nonsense crafted in vain efforts to replace truth. As for Job: The message was loud and clear: God let us know that he'll do what he damn well pleases whether you like it or not. Since people love to complain, he is right to be this way. As for Samson: God created his own action-figure and loved him dearly. Though Samson failed in the end, God redeemed him for love of him. As for Christopher, his story tells us that the love and compassion of Jesus are not only one and the same, but beyond what anyone ever imagined.

    1. I liked everything you said. Thanks for commenting on all of them. I do find insight in these things.

  2. This was an excellent series, it was profond, insightful as well as humorous. You have brought a personal understanding to these stories that the Bible fails to. You should indeed be content with this work. I personally learned a lot.

    1. All research is my own. I didn't parrot anyone.

  3. If he really is God, then he can really do anything. What a waste to have all power and all knowledge and not be able to use it. He makes things happen.

    1. But like any artist, he makes things for himself. he does thing show he wants them. We should do likewise.
