Thursday, August 1, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Spinoff, Part 43

“My question is this,” began Chris. “Christopher was not a human being. I never gathered that he was ever truly interested in Christ for his spiritual representation but simply for his desire to find the greatest king. It just seems a little weird that Christ would bother to save him.”

“Weird, huh?” chuckled God. “I guess it is a little weird, Veronica. But it still makes sense.”


“Were you really listening to the whole thing around the corner?”

“I thought you knew.”

God chuckled, “More often than not, Charlie, I don’t really care where you are. I just figured you went to get my grape flavored coconuts and got lost or something. Face it, you’re kind of an idiot. That’s why I like to dress you up like clowns and French maids. It gives you something to do. Although we need to never do that French maid one again. Dear me. That was horrible.”

“Thank you,” muttered Chris.

“But I will answer your question anyways, Elvis. Yes, it seems a bit weird that my son would even bother with a creature like Christopher. If he were a human doing the same things for the same reason, there would be no substance to it. It would just be some subservient guy looking for the biggest guy to serve.

“Christopher was willing to do anything for whoever was the greatest king of all. For a little while he even raped and pillaged for the Devil. But in the end, he did these things, even the rape and pillaging, in innocence. He was only a dog-headed man who was out to serve the greatest king of all. And because of this, he must only be judged as the dog-headed man that he was.

“Saint Christopher was and always will be a Cynocephaly, but he will go down in history as being the only Cynocephaly who ever sought out the greatest king of them all. He did so doggedly. And despite doing bad things throughout his life, Christ, my son, judged him by what he was and not by a human standard. For this reason, Saint Christopher was saved where all others had ultimately failed.”

“Is he really saved?” asked Chris.

“Yes. Saint Christopher is saved. My son did the honors. Not me. I’m retired. I spend my days doing other things.” The doorbell rang. “Oh! That must be your new fur-suit! Time to get you all dressed up so I can start calling you by your new name, Stormlion Fuzzynuts! Come on, let’s see how it fits on ya!”

God quickly jumped out of his chair to make his way to the front door. Chris groaned miserably before following him there. Still sitting quietly at the end of the table, however, was Mr. Nobody. The story he had just heard had him very thoughtful.

The end.

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  1. Wonderful! Christ is beyond the feel good nonsense of this world and ITS "Christians." Jesus judged Christopher as being the best CYNOCEPHALY he could be. Christ never expected Christopher to be anything else. Yes, Christopher did rape and pillage. He may have killed. He did all these things as part of his quest to find the King of Kings... and as a dog-headed man, he did so in innocence. He never did such things again when he realized the King he sought disapproved of such things. Christoper loved as a dog loves, but as a sapient entity. Jesus judged him accordingly, and saved him in all sincerity. Mr. Nobody did notice... and wept for joy. The Lord of Spirits chose the Son of Man, indeed!

    1. Christopher never needed those horrible things he was doing. He did them because he thought he we supposed to. They were innocent acts, as horrible as they might have been.

  2. People forget that God's judgement is personal, Christopher was judged personally as a Cynocephaly. It was demonstrated that one was worth saving, because of The Son he was saved. I laughed at the ending...Stormlion Fuzzynuts haha.

    1. It would have been ridiculous for someone above everything to judge someone below him as something he was not.

  3. I did not expect the father to do the saving. That would require caring. The Son is where salvation comes from.
