Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Jeremiah [Book Review]

"Jeremiah" is the twenty-forth book of the "Holy Bible," and it was written by Baruch. Great book. This is pretty much the divine culmination of centuries of Jewish stupidity. God finally throws Babylon at them and tells them to just get used to the fact that the good days are over.

This book follows the prophecies of Jeremiah up until the point at which all the bad things happen. Weirdly, the last chapter of the book sounds more like one from "Kings II," even though that was written by a different author. This whole book is about prophecy and subsequent devine action based on those prophecies. It's as glorious as it is righteous. It hits hard, and it feels utterly deserved.

The ultimate sadness I felt from reading this 4 hour long book was Jeremiah himself. He's pretty much treated like shit for the entire book, because they don't like what he is saying. But what he says is ultimately true, and they are feeling it by the end of it pretty badly. But Jeremiah gets wrapped up in all of the punishment and has to see the fall of his own people as well. It sucks; there's no sugar coating it.

Despite this book being fairly long, it reads much better than Isaiah. It is the voice of God pretty much saying that He's had enough and is preparing to retaliate. You can either go with it (which is what they should have done), or you can fall victim to it and die. Great stuff. I was happy they got what was coming to them.

But the book doesn't just condemn the Jews; Jeremiah mentions why. He tells them all the things they did wrong multiple times. The chief among them being the service to false gods, with a very special mention of Moloch, to which they sacrificed their own children. Even while these prophecies were coming in, people ignored him and threw him in prison. Jeremiah never got a break.

I recommend "Jeremiah" if you want to see God at his angriest. It's a very long book, but if you understand the context of what is happening, it does not disappoint. Keep in mind that this is the same God who exists to this very day. Do you really want to piss Him off? I don't recommend it.

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  1. The murder of their own children removes any doubt that they deserve punishment. Even then, God spares them what they TRULY deserve: which is the burning death of Hell.

    1. God seemed particularly angry at that. You can see how flabbergasted he was over such a ridiculous and horrible practice.

  2. They have been weighed, they have been measure and found stupid haha. Of course they didn't like what Jeremiah was saying because The Truth hurts, they would rather have a comforting lie. Unfortunately for them God is pissed...

    1. They were stupid. It was like they were acting suicidality and pretending that they weren't.

  3. Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet for a reason. Regardless of their sins, it is hard to witness the fall of your own people. He did what he could do, but he could not save them from themselves.

    1. Nope! They were pretty damn dumb. Dumb enough to be damned!
