Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Fairy Tale Spotlight: 2010: Odyssey Two [Book Review]

"2010: Odyssey Two" is a novel written by Arthur C. Clarke. It was published in 1982. It also got it's own movie, but I haven't seen it yet. I plan on seeing it soon though.

Apparently, Arthur had no plans on making a sequel to "2001: A Space Odyssey" originally. He even called it "impossible." I'm glad he finally did though, because this one ended up exposing even more of the atheistic viewpoints of the world elitists.

Oh, but yes, this book is a science fiction. It's hard science fiction. The whole story is about trying to figure out what happened to David Bowman in the first book, who basically turned into a higher form of life, what we call today "transhuman." And like the first book, much of it is just very cool descriptions of speculative deep space flight. All this is great and makes the book a lot of fun to read.

But probably the most shocking thing about this story is how shamelessly the author owns both atheism and Satanism at the very same time. And in many ways, this book even acknowledges that there is a God while rejecting it at the same time. I could almost see the author grinning proudly as he wrote that absolutely wonderful final chapter (which I had to show to all my friends.)

I was already thinking this, but this book has further convinced me that the elitist people in this world really are just serving Lucifer, while almost jokingly denouncing that there is a God. At the very least, they see Him as an annoying meddler that only gets in the way of real human advancement.

Oh, and by the way, I actually do recommend this book. It's very good. Some of the best science fiction content I have ever read. It is well worth your time regardless if you are a Christian or an atheist. It will, at least, show you how these people think. At most, you will end up with a great scifi story that will challenge the imagination in all the right ways.

Kudos to Arthur C. Clarke for completely owning his beliefs in this book. I am actually proud of him for doing so, where so many people in his field beat around the damn bush!

This blog was written on May 20, 2023.

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  1. Jesus himself said "fired up for or or cold against." He railed against the lukewarm as the worst of the lot. It seems this book is "cold against" Christianity. It is a very good novel accordingly, because it is wholehearted, not half-hearted.

    1. Yeah, pretty much! It goes right for it and that makes it a better book than most Christian stuff has.

  2. Those who promote science tend to use it as a substitute for spirituality. But it does not provide answers, only more questions. You cannot understand what was made by denying the Maker.

    1. It's so dumb that God is pushed out of science. All things have to be considered.

  3. Interesting that he thought it was impossible to write a sequel but did it anyway. Arthur C. Clarke went in with both feet and gave some insight into those who think themselves our masters. Atheism for the masses and Satanism for the elite.

    1. Satanic books are often more entertaining than Christian ones, excluding the Bible of course.
