Monday, June 19, 2023

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Swiss Family Robinson [Book Review]

[This blog spoils a few things about the book.]

"The Swiss Family Robinson" or "Adventures in a Desert Island" is a book written by Johann David Wyss. It was published in 1812. I did my best to find the earliest translation of this. There's been a lot of versions of this story that have been abridged and re-written, some of which was done to make it more politically correct. I am more than sure I got the right version.

The story is about a family that gets shipwrecked on a desert island and have to survive alone for a number of years. This family is intensely Christian. In fact, I believe the father, who writes the narrative, is a Christian pastor. Throughout the book, everything is put through a Christian filter, and that really isn't a bad thing. I wasn't really offended by any of it.

The Robinsons really made out pretty well, I gotta say. After all, they started off with a ship full of stuff. On that, the ship did not just sink. It got wedged between two rocks. All they had to do was keep going back and forth for supplies. Not a bad start actually. There was also the issue of them being amazingly educated. Both the father and the children were more than prepared for this adventure. In four years, they were running that dang island.

Kids are so stupid today. I remember that my school tried there best to fill my head with knowledge, but I just didn't want any of it. If I end up on a desert island, I am so screwed. I really should have paid more attention. I can barely survive outside of air conditioning.

The wonderful thing about this book is, though they are constantly hit with trials... everything really worked out great. And bad things happened all the time. The point is that they gave themselves to God... and God never challenged them beyond what they were capable of. In the end, they made that island so much of a great place to live that they ultimately just decide to stay there. Imagine that.

All in all, I liked "The Swiss Family Robinson." I recommend it. Just keep in mind that this book is the opposite of politically correct. Like if you are looking for something that is politically correct, this is absolutely the wrong book. It is an absolutely shameless pro-Christian book, and I loved it.

This blog was written on May 10, 2023.

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  1. This story is a classic: read and watched for generations. It was as if Noah had a GOOD family rather than the one he actually had. The world would have been better for it.

    1. That's an interesting point to make. I guess it's really hard to have a good family unless you really work at it.

  2. It helped that they were a family who could pull together when times got rough. We were never promised that things would be easy, so we should not expect it. Instead of getting us out, He gets us through.

    1. Yeah, I have gotten into the routine of no expectations.

  3. I remember reading this one summer as a kid and liked it. The indominable faith that the family had was a great lesson that I took to heart. I totally agree, everyone should read this one.

    1. They pretty much turned the island into a paradise.
