Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Is It Going to Be Okay?

Is it going to be okay? That is the question. Or is it? Maybe the real question should be: Should we tell them that it going to be okay? Is there a reason we should tell them it's going to be okay? Do you think it will help? Is telling people it's going to be okay helpful?

What if it isn't okay? What if you are cornered by some mischievous creatures that may or may not mean you harm? Actually they probably do mean you harm. Is it going to be okay? How should I answer this?

A fire breaks out, blocking off your exit to the outside. There's only one way to go: a blackened portal with laughing noises coming out of it. Should I tell them that it's going to be okay? Is that what they want to hear or would they prefer that I not tell them that. FYI, I don't have to tell them that it will be okay. It might be slightly less than honest if I do, but it might make them feel better. What do you think?

The wolves are talking. Can you hear them? They don't have a very good opinion of the people they are hunting. I don't know what's worse: the fact that they are being hunted or the fact that the wolves are talking. What should I say about the fates of these potential victims? Should I say that they are going to be okay? I mean... there's always the possibility that they will make it away from the talking wolves, but what if that's not how it exactly goes? Is it okay to say that it will be okay? Which is doing more harm?

Did Bambi's mother really die? Is she okay? Because I don't think she is okay! But what if someone asks me about it? What if Bambi asks me? Should I tell Bambi that she's okay? Am I a good person for doing so? That gunshot could have been for anybody! And besides, his dad didn't say nothing about it. It's all been left up in the air!

People are disappearing left and right. The hotdogs they've been selling at that new store just don't taste right. Is everything going to be okay? They got people who check all that meat before people eat it... RIGHT?! It's probably not people. But what if hotdogs were people? What if that isn't something anyone wants to hear about. Should I tell them that everything is okay?

Little Red Riding-Hood ended up with the wolf. Is she going to be okay? There was, after all, a hunter in the story. Right? So she's going to be okay. Right? Is it okay to say she is going to be okay? Are we helping anyone by saying so? Is it more grim to be Grimm or less grim for things to not quite be okay?

In conclusion, you must not ask yourself if it is going to be okay, but you must ask yourself if it is good to say so when it probably isn't true. And let's be honest... It isn't. It's not going to be okay... unless you don't want to hear that... in which case... I honestly choose to say nothing at all.

The end. (Probably the bad one where things are not okay.)

This blog was written on October 9, 2023.

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  1. Honesty is indeed the best policy, because we cannot deal with a situation unless we acknowledge what that situation is... and it may not be okay.

  2. Yea I rather hear and tell the truth always no matter how bad the situation. It's easier to face a situation without a false narrative that only betrays you in the end. If sorrow of panic is the result it's better than a comfortable lie.

    1. Some people can't handle the truth, but that shouldn't affect us as writers.

  3. Many require milk instead of meat. When things get rough, they tend to fall into despair. When the outcome is uncertain, it is better to talk less and do more.
