Wednesday, November 13, 2024

This Is My 1000th Blog

I actually had no idea I had written this many blogs. 1000? What the heck?! But here I am. It's a nice whole number. I'm happy to finally get here, and I guess I should say a few things before I move on to 1001.

I started this blog Tuesday, June 18, 2013. It was a bunch of introductions and book promotions. I did not have any idea of where I was going with it, but at least I was writing something. It took a little time, but I soon began experimenting with the whole Spotlight thing. I actually got the idea from some Star Trek comic books I was reading back in the day. They had a special series of comics that would spotlight each alien race in the franchise (such as "Vulcan Spotlight"). I liked the term and how it could be used to focus on one particular thing.

I started off focusing on something I was and am still a fan of: Rodents. "Rodent Spotlight" was a way for me to give to the world a look into one aspect of my interest that I was really into. When I eventually ran out of that, I moved on to other Spotlights, ultimately landing on the final leg of the journey: Fairy Tale Spotlight. The latter probably will never end since it sort of encompasses everything in reality. I've turned it into the whole identity of my blog.

"Fairy Tale Spotlight" ultimately began as a way for me to explore fairy tale concepts, but the further I looked into it I soon realized that I could see fairy tales in just about every facet of reality. Everything had a little fantasy in it, even things that were real. Everything seemed to inspire one thing or another. Even the Bible, a book I consider to be a work of truth, seemed like a fairy tale to me. And that is why I have kept it for as long as I have.

I now use this blog to simply review the books I read, and some movies and video games too. I don't do book promotions anymore because the bulk of my writing is done under an alternate name. Yes, I am still writing. My closest friends knew this for a long time. I am publishing and doing okay with my stuff. Some people already found out about my other penname, and that's okay. But I just felt that I did not have enough literary freedom to write as T.K. Wade. Ann Rice would probably understand the problems I was having, if that makes any sense to you.

As far as the future is concerned, I am just going to continue writing reviews. I am backlogged pretty heavily as I read a lot and am finishing books all the time. I always look forward to working on a review, even if my intention is to bash it. I actually love smacking down on a bad book just as much as I love raving about a good one.

First and foremost, I firmly believe in the First Amendment and literary freedom in this country. A writer should never be cast down for what he writes about. Authors write about what they like and love, and it provides us with a release that we actually really need. We get inspired by the books we read, and then we write out our "corrections" by way of our own stories. It's always been this way. It is a privilege that should never be oppressed in any way. In fact, we should get more freedoms to write fiction in the manner we please. If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't tear people down. Always build them up as much as you can. If you can't do it, then mind your own business.

Even the books I have hated still deserve to exist, and the authors deserved to write them. All you get from me is a recommendation based on my own opinion. There's something out there for everybody at the end of the day.

I think that's all I wanted to say. I'm just going to keep doing what I am doing. I want to thank Shawn O'Toole, Christopher Buffaloe, and Donald White for replying to most of my blogs through the years. They are all close friends of mine, and I always looked forward to their replies.

That's it! Time to just keep going. Lots of books to read and reviews to write.

This blog was written on August 19, 2024.

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  1. Wow! Already one thousand... and eleven years! My first blog was July 13, 2013. 327 posts so far. Many books written by me in that time. Many covers illustrated by me... and title fonts created.

    Your "spotlight" choice gave you focus from the beginning. It works. Congratulations, my friend.

  2. Writing is all about expression. What inspires us gives the energy to make wonderful things. Those who put others down tend to have little to show for themselves.
