Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Spinoff, Part 20

Lucifer really had no idea what God was talking about, so God got up briefly to get his laptop. He placed it down on the table creating a rather unfortunate blunt force trauma to one of his many galaxies. Henceforth the galaxy was called the Black Eye Galaxy for this reason.

He snapped his fingers causing the laptop to boot instantly and was soon pulling up the appropriate file. “Job,” repeated God. “A rather interesting fellow. Nothing like all the other ones I’ve been seeing lately. Are you curious?”

“I suppose so,” said Lucifer. “Tell me about him.”

“Job. Lives in the land of Uz.”


“No, just Uz. Although I am sure they wish they were Oz. Nevertheless, Job doesn’t have it so bad.”

“How so?” asked Lucifer.

God replied, “He has seven sons and three daughter.”

“How prolific for his time.”

“Yes, I know. But he also has seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred donkeys, and pretty much ten servants on duty for every job imaginable.

“His sons also hold great feasts on their birthdays and even invite their sisters to eat and drink with them. Job also makes a sacrifice to me in the off chance they may have sinned. He’s pretty consistent in this manner.”

“Impressive,” said Lucifer with a nod. “Is that him there?” The angel pointed at the screen.

“That’s him. Looks kind of normal, doesn’t he?”

“All the humans look the same to me, frankly.”

God nodded. “Yeah, I know what you mean, Lucifer. But you may be surprised at how loyal this man is to me. He is a god-fearing man who shuns evil.” He paused. “That’s you, by the way.”

Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Sure. Well, you can’t really expect me to be surprised when you consider the position you’ve put him in.”

“What position?”

“Look at him. He has everything a man could want. He does not suffer in the way many of your humans do. He has money, wealth, and four walls to shelter him at nights. He has a family who loves him and cares for him. You gave these things to him, and therefore I am little surprised that he would be as loyal as you say.”

God covered his face in frustration. Lucifer cocked his head. “What?”

“You’re such a cynic, Lucifer.”

The angel raised an eyebrow. “You call me a cynic, but I am, in fact, a realist. I have seen your humans time and time again. They never change. One is of no greater consequence than the other. They can only be made great. Greatness never comes naturally.

“Loyalty and the fear of God also comes easier to those living in comfort and happiness. He is the way he is because you gave all these things to him. He is nothing more than an animal, when things come down to it.”

“Not that I actually care what you think,” replied God, “but what would it take to convince you that Job really is who I say he is.”

“If I were to take away all that you have given him, he would turn on you in an instant.”

“You are sure of this?” asked God.

“Of course. A man’s propensity to serve the Lord is based on his overall wellbeing. You have given him no reason to turn against you.”

“Then how about you give him a reason then?” said God. Lucifer nodded in agreement to those terms.

“But just understand, Lucifer. No matter what you do… you will not touch Job personally.”

“Agreed,” said Lucifer before getting up and leaving the room.

To be continued.

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  1. The reason for the "bet" now makes sense. Lucifer claims Man is simply an animal. His loyalty is to the one who lets him into a comfy place and fills his food dish and gives him treats. The "animal" will leave its master if not cared for. God is proving a good man is not an animal.

    1. Basically, Lucifer was trying to prove humans to be more like him. Sometimes they are... but not always. Not with Job.

  2. This is an excellent introduction to Job, of course Lucifer can never see beyond the measure of the world. The spirit is all that matters, all the worldly things can be stripped away but the soul will endure. Those who are waiting for a reason to turn against the Lord are already lost.

    1. I am surprised Lucifer even bothered with this one. It was obvious God was throwing it in his face.

  3. Job has a lot of nice things... it would be a shame if something were to happen to them. So, he gave Job stuff only to take it away. It would be better if he had not given him anything at all.

    1. Who are you to judge God? Leave the judging to Mr. Nobody. He has a better perspective on it.
