Monday, October 7, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Birth Defects in Demons

Now, before I begin, I want to point out something about normal human birth defects. These are very unfortunate things that sometimes happen. Biology is not perfect. Problems can occur and a human being can occasionally be left with a blight that isn't supposed to be there. That is a separate thing to what this blog is about. I am not saying that human birth defects are demonic. I just wanted to make this clear.

This blog is about a much more common thing that happens with demon hybrids. Remember back when I was talking about Leonard and his third horn? I have read a number interesting accounts of anomalies like this. The multiple tails of the kitsune. Giants with twelve toes. Probably far more debilitating is the kappa with his entirely open head and exposed brain. What the heck is wrong with these creatures?!

I got to wondering about that. I started to realize that these demons were being subjected to some fairly nasty birth defects. This is likely the result of them being abominations to begin with. Let me explain.

Demons don't just exist. They also aren't little creatures living in Hell, waiting for their master, Satan, to let them out into the world. Demons are the result of an angel, usually a fallen angel, having sex with something living on this earth. The resulting offspring is a demon.

Now, as the fiery entities of the cosmos are not supposed to be breeding with mortal creatures like us, the result can sometimes be a bit of a mix-up. You can get some pretty weird-looking folk. Odd-looking man/animal hybrids displaying the realistic features of both creatures in the same body. The blend is often faulty and imperfect. This is where the birth defects are notable.

You have to understand that a lot of people in fairy lore don't really understand the true nature of demons. They are our fairy folk after all. We saw them as creatures from another world and must be revered as being the mysterious creatures that they are. And I've always been the first to encourage people to respect them anyhow. Don't be a jerk just because of what they really are.

But a lot of these odd bodily anomalies are really just results of the mistake that was their untimely birth. Ironically these maladies were often seen as some sort of beauty mark. When the Japanese look upon a nine-tailed kitsune, they gasp in awe as the pretty tails flutter about. And they are pretty! Even I think that. But those pretty tails are still the result of an abomination in progress.

The third horn of Leonard and the twelve toes of the giants are a bit easier to understand--especially with the giants who did not often get along with people. The third horn of Leonard might still, perhaps, be sold as some sort of beauty. It seems right up his ally to pitch it in that way.

These surprisingly common birth defects signify that the fallen angels were dong something extremely uncouth. The demons themselves are selfsame proof of their own blasphemy... yet... what happened... happened. They did walk the earth... some still do.

I want you all to take this more of evidence of a concept. It's there to let us know something is consistently not normal about demons. There is no reason you can't like it or find beauty in it. Just understand what it is. That's all I'm trying to encourage here.

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. Very insightful: Things spawned by unnatural means suffer consequences. The mixing of the celestial with the terrestrial is sure to shake things up, and the shaking turns out strange mixes. I feel for these creatures, because they are deformed by no fault of their own. Ironically, their fathers are physically perfect beyond mortality and this both empowers and harms their mortal offspring.

    1. I still think its amusing that the defects are often shown as wonderful things. We see a lot of that within the more insane aspects of human culture as well.

  2. Fascinating, demons were never meant to be as they are not a part of the natural world (God's will). The chaos of this abominable pairing was bound to create all sorts of anomalies. The offspring however are not to be blamed for the sins of their fathers, they have a choice and can be redeemed as we saw with St. Christopher.

    1. They really aren't. However they are still responsible for their own choices and actions.

  3. Angels were not meant to breed with the creatures of Earth. So, the resulting hybrid could manifest various defects. This is not likely to be a curse, but instead an unfortunate effect.

    1. They almost always did. Some were harder to lock down than others. That's why research on demons are so important.
