Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Breaking the Ten Commandments (5-8)

I'm a devout Christian, but I don't associate with any of the organized rubbish. I look at the Bible myself. I see what it says to me. Even if I am wrong, I have done the work myself. And one of the conclusions I came to was that everything in the Old Testament is obsolete. The laws of Moses are now obsolete. The Ten Commandments are obsolete. We live by the ways of Jesus, and he spoke against the laws of Moses within the Gospels. This is why I am doing this. Let's continued to break the Ten Commandments.

5: Honor your father and mother.

At the time, family had much in way of educational responsibilities. This was an important rule to instill in the silly Jews who, as you know, were stupid enough to build that calf after seeing a slew of different miracles.

Today, I encourage an independent view. Your parents may be able to help you. They may not. Jesus allows us to think for ourselves now. The old rules are gone. We need to be able to hold our own. If you think your mother and father are leading you in the wrong direction, go with your heart. But please, if it's just selfishness that's guiding this action, they might be telling you something you need to hear. Everything is case-by-case now. Deal with all things accordingly. This commandment is now obsolete.

6: You shall not murder.

You need to be told not to do this? Well the Jews did. Until God came along, they likely figured killing someone was okay as long as they could get something out of it. My biggest complaint about this one though is just how it doesn't factor in situations pertaining to war. The context of it was probably assumed, but still. I have heard people cry out against soldiers fighting for our country because they are breaking the 6th commandment. It's obsolete.

7: You shall not commit adultery.

Once again, the Jews of the Old Testament were stupid. They needed a legal and binding document to tell them not to cheat on their wives, Jesus makes us free to deal with every situation based on our heart and not a book of rules. You will know when you are about to make a really horrible decision. Your love for another will be tested. Your heart will decide your fate. This commandment is obsolete.

8: You shall not steal.

If its not killing someone, its stealing from them. Those crazy Jews! This is a bit like the murder commandment in that there are reasons when stealing is all right, like in moments of war. It's context based. You have to deal with these situations by the heart. Be very thoughtful and don't let selfishness be the driving force of your decision.


Two more to go and then I'll hush up about all this. Like I said, I may be wrong, but this is my interpretation. I'll not let anyone tell me what to think. I do all my own thinking by myself. See you next time.

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  1. Sadly, people do think it is okay to do evil is there is no RULE against it. The are adamantly opposed to BREAKING THE LAW but think nothing of doing harm by action or omission if they are not officially required to do otherwise. This is why the world of commandments, the Ten or otherwise, is a world of lukewarm, the worst of all evil.

    1. There is no number of commandments that would ever be enough to keep a stupid person in line completely.

  2. Those who would murder cheat and steal if they were never told they are bad things are evil at their core. There is a reason there is a New Testament, as you said the old is obsolete. Jesus will judge everyone individually, he is The Way.

    1. You are free to be either a horrible person or a good one now. And you WILL know the difference with or without rules.

  3. Honoring someone does not mean you always agree with them. There is a certain level of respect that a child should have for their parents. And parents should demonstrate themselves worthy of such esteem.

    1. Absolutely! They are human like everyone else.
