Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Just a Thought About Goats

I've noticed goats tend to pop up a lot in the occult and Satanism in general. That got me wondering. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense.

Hedonism is a major part of the occult. You are often expected to indulge in various ways. It may be food, sex, or even murder. The whole point is to make you feel powerful by allowing you to do all the things your natural body wants to do.

Goats are really not a bad symbol for hedonism. They rather have several reputations in that line of thinking. Let's look at a few of them:

1. Goats are known for eating just about anything.

The first time I encountered a goat, it was at a farm on a very cold day. I was wearing a coat at the time. I reached out to pet him, however, he was more interested in eating the sleeve of my coat. I had to grab his jaw and force open his mouth to get him to stop.

Goats have a reputation for eating things, even if the things they are eating are not meant to be eaten. Now, where it is not actually true that they will eat tin cans like in the cartoons, they will TRY to. They will try to eat anything until they realize that it can't be eaten. This makes the food that they will eat quite insurmountable. It doesn't take much for them to open their mouth and, at the very least, taste it. "Glutton" is a well and good label for these creatures.

2. Goats are known for being horny a lot.

Yeah. It's a thing. The lust of a goat is not rivaled by many. They don't really care who or what they do it with, as long as it gets done. For this reason, goats can also be used as a lustful symbol. I'll leave it at that.

3. Goats are known for their aggressiveness.

Horns are often a symbol of power, and goats have no issue with using them, even when not provoked. This could be interpreted likewise, within hedonism, that you should aggressively take what you want, even if it means hurting others. Use your horns! Strike when you can and do so for your own pleasure.

Just consider these three points when you think about Leonard, Baphomet, or the fauns and satyrs of lore. Goats are well-suited to represent the hedonism of the occult. They inspire them to do as they will in the name of their own hunger and lust. It is the way of the goat.

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  1. Fascinating! No wonder satyrs are notorious be shameful indulgence. They inherited it from their GOAT nature. Devils may have bred with goats mindful that such animals are indulgent in all ways.

    1. They really do deserve the place within the satanic community. A good symbol for hedonism.

  2. Indeed, the goat is an excellent symbol for hedonism. Their animal nature is touted as the way by the god of this world. You made great points with the description of goats nature.

    1. Thank you! I am actually a fan of them because of this.

  3. Hedonism is all about getting what you want. This is often at the expense of another. Goats are animals, but there are humans who do the same.
