Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Your Own Thoughts

Think a thought. Not something ordinary like, "I better take out the trash." Like something you may personally consider profound in some way. Perhaps it is a piece of wisdom or some sort of epiphany about something happening in the world. Once you have had that thought, stop right there and consider it.

Consider why you had that thought. Did you come up with it yourself? Did you hear it somewhere? On TV maybe?

If your thought was just something you heard somewhere, it needs to be reassessed. Agreeing with something is not the same as having your own thought. You are having someone else's thought. It's okay to agree with someone, but that doesn't make it belong to you. You've merely borrowed from someone else.

Now, if this thought is purely yours, and it did not get influenced by an outside source, you get to keep it and do whatever you want with it. You can say it and take full credit for it. It's yours.

Having a thought that was influenced by an outside source can still be yours... if you are willing to bother researching it. You would need to spend the time an effort going out of your way to identify if this borrowed thought is true. Most people don't bother doing this, but YOU CAN! It is within your ability.

Most people see and hear things and download the data like a digital sponge. They file it all away and then access them while they are doing their normal thinking. They think they are their own thoughts, but it's really just stuff they heard. There is no effort at all to bother making their own thoughts anymore.

The best way to deal with this problem is to automatically disconnect yourself from all bits of information. You can still listen to it and even file it away, but be very clear that this stuff is not distinctly you. DO NOT BE A PRODUCT OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT! Listen but do not own. Verify as you go and figure things out entirely by yourself. If you can't, then fine. Come up with your own personal conclusions and publish. Don't worry about being wrong.

Your own thoughts should be your own. You should be having them yourself without influence. Independent thought is a wonderful thing. It separates the real humans from the robots.

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. Wow! Profound. We take so many things for granted, not the least of which is our supposed individuality. You are NOT an individual if SOMEONE ELSE takes "your" initiative for you. Your thoughts are not YOUR thoughts at all if you are programmed by someone else, even if you willingly download the program. One MUST take PERSONAL initiative in ALL things to be free.

    1. It is okay to listen to opinions, just make sure the ones you have are yours! Reprocess everything!

  2. Awesome, we are indeed bombarded with information from a lot of different sources in our daily lives. To think for ourselves we have to disconnect ourselves from the streams of information. You have to care enough to become a source instead of absorbing from another.

    1. It's hard for people to do that. The media trains us to let them do the thinking for us.

  3. Public opinion has a weight all its own. It is easy to just follow the leader, but it may be off a cliff. Be wary of being a pawn in someone else's game.

    1. Just be sure of yourself. Question it and research it on your own.
