Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Arcane [TV Series Review]

"Arcane" is essentially a streaming TV series for adults that was based around the characters from a video game called "League of Legends." It was released in 2021, and, as of writing this, only has one season. I didn't put up a spoiler warning, because I have chosen not to spoil really anything in the show. This is more of a review of the spirit of the show than anything.

People may not understand the significance of me saying that "I don't have a problem" with a show from 2021. The thing of it is... I have a problem with almost everything that comes out these days. It's all crap. I don't like any of it. And maybe that's because I am getting old and out of touch, but I suspect the reason for this is a bit different.

I had a friend who bugged me more than usual to watch it. He doesn't usually go this far. Ironically, the moment I broke was also the moment he gave up and stopped caring. At the point I started watching the show, I had not really been watching or had been interested in watching anything modern for an entire year. Honestly, it had been mostly old episodes of "Colombo" to pass the time during dinner.

So I watched one episode of "Arcane" a week [the way shows are meant to be watched, damn it!]. I took in all the scenes, music, character interactions, and nuances. I spent some time complaining about some of those things, but honestly I'm a nitpicker like that. Half the time, I think I do that just so I can have something to talk about. But by the end of it, looking at the whole thing in one lump, I can't really criticize it at all. Not only do I not have a problem with it... it's good. It's really good.

I tried to figure out why the show was good. I always find saying something is made with love is a little bit of a cop-out when it comes to the pure nuance of explanation. There's lots of shows out there that were likely made with love, but that has nothing really to do with the content. The thing that sets this thing apart from all other shows and the reason that I "don't have a problem with it" in a year where I pretty much have a problem with everything, all has to do with the brilliant characterization and personal interactions found in the show.

These characters lives mean something. Every one of them. None of this show is fluff. It's all organic to the setting they live in, and there is not one single main character of the show that you will not, to some extent, care about. Even the villains. And if you can get your audience that invested on all sides of the equation, then you have worked magic. It's a balancing act that is not often found in the media of the last decade. To the creators of "Arcane," all I have to say is:

Bravo. You did it. Hold your head up high and be proud. You have accomplished narrative excellence in the television format in a world judged to be too obtuse to appreciate such things. I happily acknowledge your existence.

Now, having said this, I haven't really presented anything about the specifics of "Arcane's" characters, setting, and plot, and I'm not going to. I didn't want too spoil anything of the experience. I just think you should watch it. All nine episodes. I whole-heartedly recommend it. As it stands, it might just be the best thing on television right now, and it could be something as easy as a mere second season that could ruin the whole thing. What a strange world we live in.

This blog was written on February 20, 2022.

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  1. Not only was the show EXCELLENT, but in a time when the industry is deliberately bastardizing all fiction for the sake of privileged sanctimony. WOW! How did this one slip through the mainstream filter? I am glad it did. May its second season not fall victim to what has sapped any beloved franchises of their appeal.

    1. Please don't ruin the second season! Leave it alone. I am half wanting them just to end it here... just in case. We'll see.

  2. The show is a breath of fresh air in a sea of mediocrity, a gem in the rough. Love made all the difference, they didn't cut corners on anything, writing, animation, or music. Even if they drop the ball in the 2nd season (I doubt they will) the first will stand as a great work of art.

  3. I loved the gritty aspect of the show. The magic was not easy and did not replace sheer physical prowess. The characters had real motivations, and even the villains were compelling.
