Friday, April 15, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Philippians [Book Review]

You all realize I am writing all these blogs in the past, right? The problem is that some of these books are very short, and they pile up. I read through them in a day or so, and then I write the review for it usually the next day. There were a lot of short ones near the end of the Old Testament that piled up and actually put my blog on a backlog. I figure that if I can get to the end of all the religious texts that I have set aside for myself, the backlog will slowly subside and I'll be back to being only a few blogs ahead. I've also considered doing three blogs a week to whittle it all down a bit faster. I might have made that decision by now, but there's no telling until I actually do make that decision. The future is a funny mystery sometimes.

"Philippians" is the fiftieth book of the "Holy Bible." It was written by Paul, who is turning out to be one of my favorite authors in the entire collection. The guy just doesn't quit. He's given himself to this purpose and not backing down even a little bit. In many ways, he is trying to be an example to the people he is preaching to, but I get the impression that a lot of people find it very hard to emulate him perfectly.

This book (being a letter intended for the church in Philippi) is mostly about leaving behind the things of the world for the things of Christ and Heaven. Most people get distracted by worldly things, thinking them important. Paul has pretty much cast aside everything of the world as literally dung. The point of the whole sermon is that all this will pass away and be made new, so why obsess over all this obsolete crap. Jesus set us a new standard which is, in all ways, better than what we presently got. Don't get distracted by all the shinies. It's all fool's gold.

That's it! It was a 13 minute book! I recommend it as much as all the other shorties. Really I do like Paul. He claims to be the least of the Apostles, but that certainly seems to make him the greatest. His writing is spot on and easy to understand. I'm glad he was chosen for this.

This blog was written on February 22, 2022. (So many twos...)

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  1. Poignant analogy. Yes, people sells their souls for fool's gold or wooden nickels. They squander their days on their pride or thrill of the moment. The moment passes and they have NOTHING to show for it... on Judgment Day.

    1. Wooden nickels! Hahaha. Yeah, you should stay away from those.

  2. We do what we must to survive in a world that will not last. It is how we spend the rest of our time which makes all the difference. When our works are passed through the fire, all we will have is what remains.

    1. Well, we do, but survival isn't always the end goal.

  3. Paul jumped in with both feet and realized the world is a distraction not to be invested in. Leading by example is The Way and our time is meant to be invested in the only thing that matters, The Spirit.

    1. And distractions are absolutely everywhere in many different forms.
