Monday, March 18, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Watching Oz Slip Away

I was sitting here thinking about stuff. I am currently reading the very last Oz book. The bookmark is about three quarters in. There isn't much left. Getting close to finishing such a long series has a strange effect on me. It makes me look back at a lot of my life up to this point.

I never recorded when I began reading this series, but I remember a little bit about what my life was like back then. The Oz books were what inspired me to do the "Ava in Fairyland" book and audio drama. That seems like an age ago. It really does.

Originally, I only intended to read all of the Baum Oz books. (Just 14 books.) I picked up a Ruth Plumly Thompson one out of curiosity, and I guess I just decided to keep going. I had no idea how long it was going to last. I never really believed I would go all the way to the end. I even planned to stop somewhere around #40.

But here I am at #75... slowly finishing it off. Soon it will be over. There will be a certain feeling of freedom that will come with it. I can just relax and fill that slot with whatever I feel like. I am looking forward to this. I even kind of yearn for it. As fun as the Oz books have been... I am ready to move on.

But I'm not quite there. I've just got to do a little bit more. I'll probably write a lot more blogs about Oz. Just fan blogs. I'll have fun doing those... but as far as reading the books... they'll be there if I need them.

Thank you, L. Frank Baum, for giving me something to enjoy for such a major part of my life. And thanks to God for giving us L. Frank Baum.

This blog was written on March 14, 2023.

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  1. Awesome. A man imagined and created and it started a fire of imagination and creativity. Unlike the mindless flames of destruction, these warmed the world with books, pictures and movies. You lit your torch with these flames and are using them to spread your own fire. We are all blessed for it. Thank you, my friend.

  2. Wonderful! A task started out of love turned into a great undertaking. Baum's work didn't end with his death, it inspires to this day. I'm glad you enjoyed your journey.

    1. It's so great to know so much about such an expansive world.

  3. There are things that inspire us consistently. What comes of this is difficult to predict. Still, that which gives such energy will often manifest itself in wonderful ways.
