Thursday, November 22, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Our Divine Comedy, Pt. 18

In the beginning, God approached Mr. Nobody with a very strange question, "What do you think of things?"

"Things?" returned the Holy Spirit.

"Yes. Things. Things so far. What do you think?"

"I am not a fan."

"I expected that answer," chuckled God.

"Then why did you ask?"

"I already knew you didn't like any of this. I understand you cannot relate to any of it either. I've decided to bring somebody into it that has been living in the shadows for quite some time. And it is my hope that you will assist him in his efforts."

"Who is it?"

God then pointed to a dark corner of a room. A man was sitting in the darkness as he seemed to have been since the beginning of the beginning which really did not even exist. Mr. Nobody gazed upon this shadowy person and asked, "I do not know him."

"Not yet. But when you finally do know him, it will be as if you always did."

The Holy Spirit leaned forward looking God directly in the eyes. "What are you about to do?"

"I am about to create humanity for the last time. And I am going to do it in a very peculiar way."

"What way?"

God pointed to the shadow man. "His way." He then pointed at Mr. Nobody. "And with your blessing."

"Your serious."

"Very serious. You didn't think this whole story was going to be a comedy, did you? And you actually do know who that person in now, don't you?"

"It's your son."

"That's right."

"I would never ask that you do what you are planning for him... even for my sake. The whole idea of it is horrible."

"But I shall do it. And all that I do shall be for that beautiful dance. Let's be honest, I have wronged you. I have made you miserable. I used one of your most endearing traits against you, for I knew that you would never stand up to me. It's time for me to step aside and allow your dance to take control of the Line until it is resolved. This is the moment man begins. And it begins with a sacrifice."

"That's horrible," said the Holy Spirit.

"But it is the right thing to do. And I shall do it. And when it is done, eternity will have a new king, and his way shall exemplify all that is you and your wonderful dance. It shall be the new way. I shall step aside and simply watch... and smile... as that wonderful dance becomes the centerpiece of my table. All that I do, I do for you."

"Whether I like it or not?" asked the Holy Spirit.


"Do what you must then," said Mr. Nobody. "And this time, I shall be the judge."

"You shall not be disappointed." To be continued.

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  1. Very interesting how the Son is watching everything all along, but as an observer rather than a participant. "You shall not be disappointed" was very mysterious. Faith at its utmost is the Father trusting in his Son to get EVERYTHING right. The Father and the Holy Spirit indeed have nothing in common. That seems about to change.

  2. Jesus changes everything. Here is someone we can all relate to. Talking to him is not like talking to a brick wall.

    1. Oh so this is all about you? You know, God is giving up a lot for this.

  3. God bet it all on his Son, Jesus always had a choice in the matter. The Holy Spirit did not ask for this sacrifice, but God knew it had to be done for his creation to continue. Love the part about the dance becoming the centerpiece of the table.

    1. It was likely the hardest thing he ever had to do.
