Monday, November 11, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Anput

Wait... did Anubis have a wife? I'm so confused. I randomly ran into this cynocephaly woman by the name of Anput. I had a little difficulty tracking down information on her. But apparently she was the wife of Anubis.

Or was she?

A lot of the information online about Anput is that she was simply the feminine form of Anubis. I worried that this was just people making a female form of a popular character from ancient stories. The reason I feel this way is because she seems to have the exact same position as Anubis, that being the god of the mysteries of embalming.

One source told me that she merely assisted Anubis in this task. I don't know about you but I find that very sweet. It may have been all business for them, but there is a familial sweetness to a husband and wife working the same job. That's cool.

Another thing that confuses me about the lore is that some drawings has Anput as a human female. I mean... which is she? There is a possibility that she was female and wore an outfit that resembled a jackal. Some of the records suggest this. Nevertheless, it's hard to nail down what the truth really was.

One thing that was confirmed is that Anubis fathered a daughter by the name of Kebechet. She was a human woman with the head of a snake. Anput is often cited as the mother. I think, at this point in my research, my headache got a little bit too much, and I had to draw back for a while and let a lot of this settle.

The whole thing really does make me curious. I ask myself if Anubis really did fall in love or if it was a marriage of convenience. Was she really human or another cynocephaly? How was it that their child was so strange? I don't have the answers to these things, but I'd love to hear your opinion on the matter. Who and what was Anput? I'd really like to know.

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  1. Very curious indeed. Who and what she is proves a mystery. It may have been kept secret... or a female, human or demon, is considered too unimportant for thorough mention. After all, it seems the feminine DEVILS are the only females revered.

    1. I can imagine that they would have a huge attraction.

  2. Fascinating, it's a strange thought to think of a demon like Anubis having a relationship. It definitely would be a strange one, not your typical marriage. If she were human she would more like a slave, but if she were a demon with the same job they would two cogs in a machine performing the same function.

    1. I am not entirely convinced that she would be a slave as human, but she would at least be considered lesser.

  3. The problem with mythology is that it is not consistent. The stories differ, as a result. To get a better understanding, we must look for the common threads.

    1. That is true! It is especially interesting when multiple cultures have a similar mythology.
