Monday, November 18, 2019

Fairy Tale Spotlight: My Amazing First Memory

Everyone has a first memory. I find it pretty hilarious when I ask someone what their first memory is, and they reply with, "I can't remember it." Not sure they got the point.

My very first memory is extremely magical. I was probably still an infant. At the very least, I was young enough to still be cradled in my mother's arms. I was aware enough to know that the woman cradling me was actually my mother too, as that part of the memory is very clear.

So in this memory--this amazing, magical first memory--my mother was carrying me to the front door of my house. She opens it up and directs me to look up into the bright and sunny daytime sky. We had a lot of trees around the house, so I remember those too. I could still see much of the sky despite the canopy.

Now at this point in the memory--my very first one, by the way--my mother expresses that she is about to show me something amazing. And a moment later, she does. Somehow, beyond belief, my mother, single-handedly, turned the sun off. CLICK! Like a light switch. One moment the sun was shining bright, and in the next, it was night time.

This was SO AMAZING! I have like the COOLEST MOTHER EVER! Can YOUR mom turn off the sun? I DON'T THINK SO!

But just when I thought that was all she could do, my mother instantly switches the sun back on. WOW! She can do it BOTH WAYS! Seriously, there is a reason this is my first memory. How could I possibly have forgotten this?! My mother has the power to literally alter day and night cycles. That little bump in my brain was definitely never getting ironed out.

Of course, now that I look back on it, I did find out that there was a full solar eclipse in the early 80's. So I guess the phenomenon can be better explained now that I am much older. After all, who knew my own mother had the power to cause eclipses?! She's so cool!

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. My very first memory is of me crawling on the floor. I remember looking up at people who were sitting on a couch. They were smiling at me. I remember seeing a strange picture on a bucket of chicken that I now know was probably an illustration of Col. Sanders. I remember playing in a cake. I found out DECADES later that the cake memory was of my 1st birthday.

    1. You played in a cake? Why does that make so much sense?

  2. Awesome first memory, definitely the beginnings of a strong bond with your Mom. My first memory is of a place my parents took me with bright lights, they sat me in front of a strange man that had a peculiar device setup in front of him. I was on this brown furry cloth, it was the first time I remember ever experiencing a texture. I learned later this was picture day, the photo is still hanging in my Mom's house, everytime I see it I remember the feeling of that strange cloth.

  3. It is hard to tell what early memories are real, and which are imagined. One of my earliest memories is of the flight to America from Scotland where my father had been stationed. I remember staring at the ocean, and watching the land appear.

    1. I think the imagined parts are just as legitimate as the real parts. It's far more interesting that way.
