Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Light, Dark, and God

Most people prefer light to darkness. In darkness, we tend to tense up. We stumble over things we cannot see. In the light, we can see all that's there, and that is a very good thing. We need light to see what's actually there. For this reason, people tend to link the concept of light to good.

God probably thought light was very good too. He created it after all. And yes, indeed, he said it was good like the rest of his creations. He probably said it was good because it actually allowed him to see the things he had made. Good! To make something and not see it would kinda suck.

So if light is so good and Godly... does that mean that darkness is evil?

Christians often brand Lucifer as "The Prince of Darkness." But wait a minute... If I understand this correctly, Lucifer came after light was created. Does that mean Lucifer existed before God supposedly created him?

The term "The Prince of Darkness" is actually a misnomer brought upon by the silly human concept of Light=Good and Darkness=Evil. He was never the prince of darkness, because he was created after there was light. In fact his very name "Lucifer" refers to light. He is more the "Light Bringer" than the Prince of Darkness. Although I cannot be too sure, I wouldn't actually approach Lucifer without a very powerful brand of sunglasses.

Before God created light, there was nothing but darkness. This was God's domain. Does that mean that God is the Prince of Darkness? Well... It, at the very least, means he is the "God of Darkness" or the "God Who Exist Within Darkness." The latter, I think, being a bit much to say every time. But does that insinuate that God is evil?


I mean... if darkness was all there was... that just seems more like a general statement of the situation God found himself in. It was dark. There was no light. I don't really understand why darkness is evil... or good.. or really anything other than a lack of light. That's just the world that God existed in. In fact, there's a good chance he still does. The light we know and love is actually a creation he made within our dimension... not his.

Good and evil are not represented by light or dark. Light and dark are just two aspects of illumination or the lack thereof. And if you really want to combine illumination with morality... you best assign darkness to God and light to Lucifer. It makes more sense that way. But really... you're all being very silly when you do this.

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  1. Especially interesting that light is merely a creation within creation and nothing more. It does not exist except as part of a contrived dynamic imagined and designed in DARKNESS. God himself says of Jesus in the Book of Enoch, "My Concealed One, whom I have kept in DARKNESS till the hour of my choosing." Light has not existence beyond creation. It cannot be God, for God is the source and light came later.

    1. There was nothing which compelled god to make something... but he also had to be able to see it.

    2. So true. He illustrated the book he wrote, the illustrations being "Let their be light."

  2. Indeed darkness is not evil, it's just the lack of light. I think people associate darkness with evil because of the fear of the unknown. The light glorifies creation in that it shows off what God has made.

    1. Darkness is just a big ol' nothing. It's not bad or evil in the slightest.

  3. Light was spoken into existence, so it is a created thing. Darkness is a problem because of what people use it for. The dark can be a place of peace and rest or it can be a means of concealment.

    1. Lucifer doesn't hide in the shadows as much as people think.
