Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Void Siphoning

Void siphoning is the mystical practice of energy manipulation and farming by utilizing a singularity. In the case of, say, a black hole, all matter, light, and even time is drawn into a single point where it is assumed to be lost forever. The very act of this happening leads to an abundance of movement and flow which can be perceived as energy. This movement can be siphoned off and collected in the same way wind farms collect wind.

Being as there are no black holes anywhere nearby, the high priest--let's say--would need to construct one himself. Although the idea of creating a singularity sounds very dangerous, the high priest would do his best to keep it contained. Even so, it will be destructive and many sacrifices would be made by it. Void siphoning would then take place during the process, producing a ton of energy to be used in whatever way the high priest wants, up to but not excluding immortality.

This is something you see in high fantasy fairy tales quite often. You usually have some sort of priest or wizard trying to perform a rite that will cause much destruction for the sake of gaining power from it. That's basically what void siphoning is.

Another way to look at the concept is to derive energy from nothing at all. In the amazing video game "The Room," the occult was trying to perform rites using a strange element called Null. Null is just a fancy word that means "There's nothing here." Void siphoning.

In Shawn O'Toole's massive scifi-fantasy series "Strange Galaxy," an alien race called the Penumbrans used void siphoning in various different forms as the base of their magic. That was basically how they operated as a culture as well. Very cool.

Next time you see something like this in a movie or a story, you can assign a name to it now. Hope this helps broaden your view of the mystical arts often used in fairy tales... and possibly real life as well!

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  1. Wow! The void is the vacuum that sucks in energy and matter, the very flow of the intake providing energy itself. It is like using gravity to kill by pushing someone over a ledge.

    1. It's really just using kinetic force to produce energy. We do it all the time on a less destructive scale.

  2. This is a interesting concept, it makes a lot of sense in hindsight. Mysticism always breaks down into the concept of flow and balance, and how the practitioner manipulates these energies to their gain. Loved the example of the Penumbrans, they indeed are masters of these concepts.

    1. The Penumbrans were sort of the entry into the study. The Room made me think of what to call it.

  3. People will sacrifice much in the pursuit of power. To get what they want, they will go through whatever is necessary. Even if the world burns, they expect to dine on the ashes.

    1. The thing I find more fascinating is how very similar this is to just wind collection. Magic is exactly like just regular ol' science and engineering.
