Monday, January 30, 2023

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Have You Noticed the Birds?

Lately, I've come to realize something about different types of birds. Every single bird seems to have a different emotion behind them. These are emotions we as humans relate to other humans. Essentially, we are anthropomorphizing them based on how we feel, but most of the time these feelings are unanimous.

Here is a fun little exercise. Pull up a picture of a bird, any bird at all. You can perhaps just pull up a long picture list of them and then pick one at random. Look at the bird carefully. Look at the colors, the plumage, and the supposed expression of its face. From there, take note of how it makes you feel. You can also pretend how the bird might feel as well. Write it all down. Rinse and repeat. It's very interesting.

One of my favorite birds is the duck. They have a sort of awkward feeling to them. They also seem shy while still somehow interested in your attention. The noise they make is reminiscent of a grumbling, griping person.

I like looking at macaws as they seem to be very high spirited with their bright colors and confident movements. They seem super friendly and actually make me feel like I have a friend. Really very charming.

Condors actually scare me a little. They are a mix of both ugly and big. Vultures tend to be scary for their ugliness, but condors can back it up with power and strength. There is also a sort of royalty to them since they put their nests so very high up where nobody can contest them.

These are just three examples that I came up with. Why not try it out yourself. Drop one or two of them in your reply. I just think its fascinating that birds are so easily interpreted into actual words and feelings. I'm pretty sure it was meant to be that way.

This blog was written on January 16, 2023.

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  1. Parrots look like wise old men... and they have "much to say" and live VERY long even by human standards. Parakeets look like child birds, and are small and chatty, just like human children. They get fussy if they don't get their way, just like our children.

    1. Yeah, there are some birds that will make a lot of noise if they need something. They can get pretty loud too.

  2. Ravens were always one of my favorite birds, indeed they have emotions and dark connotations but I liked them for their intelligence. Ravens are fun to watch they are always trying to figure things out and they also have very good memories. All varieties of birds have their own style and emotions, it's an interesting observation indeed.

    1. Ravens are used all over the place for their connotation. I think most people get that refference when its used.

  3. Bluebirds are symbols of happiness. Cardinals have a stately quality. Hummingbirds are constantly in motion, even when they are just hovering.

    1. Cardinals do have that quality, but in reality, they are bullies. I grew up with them outside and would constantly see them pick fights with other birds.
