Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Ecclesiastes [Book Review]

"Ecclesiastes" is the twenty-first book of the "Holy Bible," and, by all reason that I have, it was written by King Solomon. The word "Ecclesiastes" is a sort of Greek translation of the Hebrew word "Koheleth" which means "Gatherer" or "Teacher" or "Preacher," just to give you an idea of why the the book has the strange name.

This book is essentially a sermon given by Solomon himself about how a lot of people just throw their short lives away on stupid, pointless, spiritually meaningless things. It is due to vanity that a lot of people do this, and I have already observed this before actually reading this book. I'll give you a brief idea of what I had considered.

I got the idea that people did not really understand how time worked and at what rate it actually was passing. When we are bored, we see time as very slow. When we are having fun, time seems to pass very quickly. This got me thinking that people really had a difficult time understand how fast time was actually moving, and this also applies to the time in which a person has to live. People are born and die in the blink of an eye, if you consider how much time has actually gone by since the Beginning. People don't really think of it, and this is likely how they tend to waste their lives without actually bothering until it's too late.

In "Ecclesiastes," Solomon bemoans that people literally throw their lives away to vain exploits. Anything and everything you own in this world will someday be owned by another. The reason for this is that the flesh ultimately breaks down and falls away, and the spirit remains immortal for eternity. Knowing that eternity is infinitely longer than what mortality gives us, it makes the lives of human seem stupidly short, and the fact that we bother with anything vain at all seems ridiculous. I don't blame Solomon for feeling depressed when he wrote this book.

I do recommend this book in the hopes that it will give you some perspective on things. I'm not holding my breath though. The entire theme of this book is that people are incredibly dense and stupid. It's true. Even I have fallen for this crap. It's one of the things that makes me feel bonkers half of the time. A small warning though: Solomon may have gotten it because he has the wisdom of God, but he ultimately fell for vanity later on in life. If Solomon fell short, what chance do any of us have? I guess at the end, there will only be a small handful who actually gets it.

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  1. I have always seen the aspirations of this world as in vain. Not only are worldly pleasures fleeting... but they are numbing. A lot of the fun is in being naughty, but as the naughtiness becomes normal, and acceptable, it loses its luster. People are trying to find something in nothing... and they are so stupid as to never figure out why they can't.

    1. It does really exhibit itself as stupidity. Logic doesn't seem to play a part in people's lives anymore. Just sort of a feel-good way of thinking that doesn't get anything real accomplished.

  2. Indeed we only have a blink of an eye to get it right, to find who we are. Solomon for all his wisdom fell to the very thing he preached against. The Way is to be apart from it, "My kingdom is not of this World" - Jesus . When Solomon fell short he gave way and devoted himself to Satan's kingdom. All we can do is follow The Way in all things and hope for the best.

    1. People are woefully unaware of how long their lives are. They don't even have a good idea how long a day is.... or even an hour.

  3. This life is fleeting, so it is important not to waste it. What we do here will determine what happens hereafter. Every moment is a gift, and we must use it well.

    1. It can all end in the blink of an eye. In fact, it always does.
