Monday, November 1, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Proverbs [Book Review]

"Proverbs" is the twentieth book of the "Holy Bible," and it was written by King Solomon. Like "Psalms," this book has no actual plot, but is a mere collection of sayings. The difference here is that they are a list of wise saying as handed out by the wisest king of the Jews before he became an idiot.

Once again, I don't have any particular verses to share. I'm not here to do that. But I will say that I was particularly pleased to read about how friendship gets prioritized above family. No doubt family is important, but friendship overrides it. If you cannot find friendship within family then you should find it elsewhere. This is something I have said for a long time. The prioritization of family over all things is overrated.

I always knew this blog would be brief, but I do want to say one more thing before I move on. In earlier books, we found that King Solomon asked of God to have His wisdom. Because he was granted this and this book was written, we can reasonably assume that this book lists out the literal wisdom of God himself. It is not a book of laws, please understand, but merely good pieces of advice you can use to take with you in life. And indeed, all the wisdom found in this book apply to modern times as well. Humans have never changed.

I do recommend this book. It mostly reads well--perhaps not as good as "Psalms" did. Some of the sayings are done using metaphors which can actually be a bit confusing. But on the whole, it is an easy enough read with great advice. Go for it.

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  1. Interesting that friendship is deemed more important than family. SOCIAL COMMENTARY would disagree, because SOCIETY is tribal despite its sophistication. IN all sincerity, however, a friend loves you for WHO you are, not WHAT you are. Unlike family, friendship is not an obligation, but rather a person taking PERSONAL initiative for the sake of someone else.

    1. When families go bad they are worse than when it happens to friends. The societal emphasis on families really heightens this problem.

  2. It is fascinating to think about the difference between friendship and family. You can find friendship within family but it is actually rare and far between. Family is an obligation we are born into whereas friendship is a caring relationship that forms with no such strings attached. Interesting that Proverbs is a book of wisdom for us to take to heart. Jesus taught us God's wisdom through his parables so that the wisdom would be personal to those who bothered to listen and figure them out.

    1. You should be friends with your family, but if that friendship gets lost, you need to find a way to move on.

  3. Family are the people we were blessed to be related to. Friends tend to be those that are brought into our lives. Both are precious, and the former can become the latter.

    1. Family should be friends from the start, if they are, then they get the priority.
