Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Elite Dangerous [Video Game Review]

I usually won't review a game I haven't beaten, but how do you "beat" a game as big as Elite Dangerous? Can anyone really conquer a game this big? I'd like to see them try. But I digress.

Elite Dangerous is a space-flight simulation game released in 2014 for PC. It has been constantly updated since then in order to keep adding levels of realism to it. You can do just about anything you want in it: trading, combat, bounty hunting, criminal activity, exploration, as well as participation in such things as wars (civil or otherwise), local and galactic politics, an alien incursions, and even the search for life. Honestly, this lists barely scratches the surface. The game really just leaves a lot of things open to allow you to choose your own path. What did I ultimately choose? I became an explorer.

My own personal goal really had nothing at all to do with the situation in and around Earth. I wanted to travel to the center of the galaxy, and so I did. It only took me roughly 250 hours of gameplay... or about 6 months. Half way there, I met up with another explorer, and we traveled the last leg of the journey together. Although much of it was a bit boring, I did see a lot of amazing things along the way. The game does a wonderful job simulating space at any particular place in the galaxy you might find yourself in.

But did I beat the game? No. I accomplished my goal though, and that is what Elite Dangerous is all about. It's about living within a science fiction game with amazing lore, yet you just do what you want. Other games have tried doing this, such as the Elder Scrolls series, but no game has felt like it had the scale and freedom of choice as Elite Dangerous. In this game, the entire galaxy is yours to play with, even if there really isn't a lot out there to interact with.

So what did I get out of it? Tons of photographs! I saw so many wonderful things, not to mention a few really interesting black holes. I was a tourist within a game too massive for its own good, but it was perfect for me. I loved every time I landed on a distant planet and just walked around on it. For a small time, I felt like I was really out there. Being an explorer is a very relaxing experience, even fairly conducive to meditation.

I'll be flying home soon though. I was considering exploring the outer rim next which is far more difficult, but I am up to the challenge. All the stars down that way are extremely spaced out.

I highly recommend Elite Dangerous for whatever sort of scifi you happen to be into. There's so much here to play with. Just decide what you want to be and work your way there. As long as you are willing to give the game a sufficient chance, there will be something here for you. It is a great game that has only gotten greater as the years have rolled by. Play it!

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  1. Interesting that the game that provides the very best "world to explore" is one of many worlds... but few of them are inhabited. Roaming free as a tourist is what I especially loved about the Elder Scroll games. It seems Elite Dangerous took the idea to INFINITY AND BEYOND!

    1. Elder Scrolls is actually a decent comparison. The only difference is that Elite Dangerous is a simulation game, and Elder Scrolls really isn't. As immersive as it is, it still tends to feel like a scripted game.

  2. Having seen photos of what is out there, it only increases the desire to see these things in person. Since we would not survive the experience, it is good to have a game which gives the feel of doing just that. Being able to do what you want makes it even more desirable.

  3. It's definitely a cool game, I have enjoyed watching you play some of Elite Dangerous. I would have chose to be an explorer as well, there is something really exciting about being a self-reliant explorer. Those photos you have been taking are awesome as well.

    1. Exploring isn't for everyone, but if you choose to embark on it, it is a very long wonderful journey.
