Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Santa Clause

Naturally I had to do something for Christmas, and Santa Clause seemed like the perfect fairy tale character to tackle. I mean... I don't have another blog to do till after the big day. I do want to warn my readers that this is not going to be a very jolly blog, but rather it will be just as deep and speculative as all of them have been. The reason for this is that the character of Santa Clause has an interesting history.

The character of Santa Clause is steeped in real fairy tale lore. Basically he was a real man and not a good person at all. Santa Clause was originally a character from the Bible named Nimrod. He perpetuated a unGodly religion after the Great Flood. If you understand what that flood was for, you will see how incredibly stupid this action of his was.

It is entirely possible this Nimrod was a wizard. He certainly dressed like one. Apparently if you burn a certain log on a particular night, a tree would appear in your home which was a good sign from this man. We call this the Yule log now. The lights were also a part of his ceremonies.

Nimrod also married his own mother Semiramis, and when he died, she kept his legacy going. This has all the signs of an otherworldly creature such as a demon. He was a sociopath that did whatever he thought was necessary to complete his goals.

Now, here is a problem I have with the promotion of this lore. If you Google websites about the connection between Nimrod and Santa Clause, you will find a lot of people encouraging you to denounce Santa Clause for the evil person he truly is. They want you to take down your lights. They want you to remove your tree (because apparently it is whispering evil thoughts to you somehow). You must entirely reduce Christmas back to the birth of Christ and nothing else. I want to go on the record and say that these people are rubbish. They are about as stupid as Nimrod himself.

Yes, I believe Nimrod was real and that the Santa Clause push is likely some sort of evil revival of the man. The thing is that I don't really care. I don't think God does either. People sometimes get into this superstitious state whenever they find connections in things. They falsely suspect that they can be evil unknowingly. Santa Clause does not have to be Nimrod! He can be some fat fairy man that laughs and gives us presents! What the heck is wrong with that?!

When I walk around my block, I am privileged to see all these beautiful lights. It annoys me to think that some superstitious and falsely enlightened people out there can see these lights and be disgusted at what they truly represent. The way I see it: we took the lore of an evil entity and turned it into something beautiful and fun!

Not to mention, we have also a ton of fiction based on this character. There were two stories written by my favorite author L. Frank Baum. There are also a number of movies that hand out the legend in multiple ways. Santa Clause has always fascinated us and inspired us to come up with new stories. It has all the fairy tale aspects we can imagine. Let's name a few:

1. He lives in the North Pole with a number of elves. (Not quite walking distance.)
2. The elves make toys all year long to be given to children on Christmas. (Fay familiars.)
3. He has a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer. (How pagan is that?!)
4. Despite the fact that he is amazingly fat, he still drops down people's chimneys to deliver the presents. (Wizard anyone?)

There is nothing wrong with any of this. They are the building blocks of great fiction. Don't let any of it go to waste.

Thank you for reading my blog. If you enjoyed it or otherwise, you can comment below, or you can email me at tkwadeauthor@gmail.com. Merry Christmas!


  1. Most of our holidays have pagan origins. But that does not mean we should not enjoy them. What was meant for evil can be used for good.

  2. I agree totally, just because something is of an evil origin it does not mean that it can't be purified for good. Imagine how much it must upset this entity that his likeness is being used to bring joy to the hearts of children. The spirit is all that matters, these symbols hold whatever meaning you give them within your own heart.

    1. Creativity should never be stunted by artificial rules.
