Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Tin Foil Hat Claim

Something I hear a lot whenever someone says something outside of the norm is a remark concerning a tin foil hat. The term refers to a make-shift headpiece made out of tin foil which, when worn, prevents the wearer from having his thoughts heard by someone who means him harm. It is also generally assumed that the person wearing the hat thinks he knows something that those against him don't want him to know--such as a government conspiracy.

The term is believed to originate from a 1909 non-fiction publication called "Atomic Consciousness." A self-proclaimed "seer" named John Palfrey mentioned it as an ineffective method of preventing what he called "telepathic impactive impingement." From here, it was used in a number of other publications and media as a sort of joke. Fiction often used the tin foil hat to present characters who were extremely paranoid of thought readings. They were almost never to be taken seriously.

Today, the phrase "tin foil hat conspiracy" is tossed around at anyone who seems, to the accuser, to be spouting off about claims that are beyond belief. It is important that the persons usually accused of this are not actually wearing tin foil hats at all. However, the phrase produces a picture in the mind of that person wearing it anyways. Add a photograph to the mix, and it is very easy to believe that the person being accused is a bonafide nutcase.

The thing is... he actually may be a nutcase. But what if he is right? And really, what was his crime--taking a controversial perspective and boldly announcing it? It seems to me that the term can quite easily be used as a matter of simple propaganda meant to destroy the credibility of someone who is becoming a problem. The question is: How attentive are you to the world around you? Do you believe everything you hear from strangers on TV, or are you willing to figure things out yourself?

A lot of the things I go into in these blogs are a bit out there. Although I talk a lot about fairy tales that are very well documented, I usually add little extras which suggest that these tales may be based on facts. And furthermore, they may still have a basis in our modern day world. These things are a bit out of the normal narrative you hear from day to day. I may even be wrong. I know I may be wrong and I will accept that if proven wrong. Yet I intend to keep saying these things until proven otherwise for the simple fact that I just want people to open their minds to possibilities--even so-called impossible ones.

I've never been attacked directly. Nobody has yet claimed that I am wearing a tin foil hat. This is probably due to the fact that I am not all that known yet. I will say this, however: The claim is meant to defame someone. There has never been a time that it was used that it was not meant to discredit an individual. It is an unfriendly act.

You are a human being. You have your own mind and heart. You have the ability to think for yourself and figure out the puzzles of the world entirely by yourself. You also have the God-given privilege to be both right and wrong. You may find that what I say is correct, or you may find that I am entirely mistaken. The point is that it be you who is doing it and not simply going by what others are saying.

Be your own person please. Be one man or one woman. Do not simply mix into the fold and become the thrall of someone else with power. I cannot stress this enough. Whether you believe me or not, simply be yourself and choose for yourself. You have your own mind and your own choices. If your choices are your own, then I, T.K. Wade, accept those choices with honor.

Thank you for reading my blog! If you enjoyed it or hated it, you can comment below, or you can email me at Thanks!


  1. Most are too lazy to think for themselves and would rather some other entity feed them information. Ego has driven most to be so hung up on being right they ignore the point to the discussion entirely. Quoting "facts" from outside sources does not make you part of the debate it ensures you are part of the problem. The tin foil hat claim is indeed an unfriendly act to discredit and undermined those who have their own thoughts. Fortunately there is a push back against the control of information in the form of fake news, keep fighting the good fight and think for yourselves!

  2. I have been accused of wearing my "tin foil hat" when I haven't even said anything. People sense something unearthly about me... and that means THEY are wearing the tin foil hat! We all know there is more than what meets the two eyes. The third eye sees more. Closing the third eye merely blinds the fool who does such a thing.
