Thursday, June 14, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Interview with a Demon

T.K. Wade: Well, it's been a while, but the time finally came.

Demon: Yes, not since April. I'll admit that I have been looking forward to this.

TK: Oh, good. I'll admit that I haven't really been looking forward to it at all. I already postponed it once.

D: Any reason why?

TK: It wasn't really you. I just went through some hard things in my life and I couldn't make the time or emotional effort to arrange a meeting with you.

D: You did seem upset when you called to apologize.

TK: Well, I really was sorry. I wanted to do this much earlier. But now you are here.

D: Indeed.

TK: So I'd like to welcome you back to my home.

D: Thank you.

TK: As you can see, I am recording this on my phone to be transcribed later. And like last time, I'll be redacting as needed.

D: I'm sure you will. I read through the transcript of what you called the preliminary interview. It was rather curious what you chose to show and what you chose to redact.






D: Very well, I won't bring it up again. And just so you know, I really am pleased to be here.

TK: It means a lot to me that you feel that way. Now, I wanted to go over some things you mentioned in the preliminary.

D: Very well.

TK: You seemed to align yourself, to a degree, with humans in that each has value in their own way and is capable of being used. You also seemed to insinuate that humans as well as demons are meant to operate as a collective like the cogs in a machine rather than blatantly as individuals.

[The power went off right about here. We waited patiently for it to come back on, which it did in about a minute. There was a storm outside at the time. We only muttered about it a little, and after I listened to the recording, I decided to keep it off the record as irrelevant. We picked back up as if nothing has happened.]

D: You are skewing what I said a bit.

TK: It's really what I got from it.

D: Let me explain it to you fact by fact. Living things serve a purpose. If they did not serve a purpose, then there would hardly be a reason to have them around. Can you imagine what would happen in the world if everyone simply stopped working? It would be chaos. Human beings as pure individuals are chaotic and unpredictable. That may be fine on a deserted island, but other people do not deserve to put up with such chaos. Unpredictability is chaos. Am I making any sense to you?

TK: I'm trying to understand your definition of chaos.

D: I'll try and paint a picture for you. Have you ever seen an explosion?

TK: Yes.

D: An explosion does not really care what it destroys and what it does not destroy. It just tears a gaping hole in reality and leaves everyone to deal with the consequences. A individualist may, perhaps, be a benign thing, but that which cannot be controlled is a liability. It has the potential to be much like the explosion. The only correction to this problem is to push everyone into being the same. You have to force them into it or else their problematic and chaotic individualism could cause an explosion of a sort.

TK: I appreciate you dumbing it down for me.

D: Oh, it is my pleasure.

TK: I do see what you mean. I really do. But what about the demons?

D: What about them?

TK: Are they treated the same way?

D: We do not have a problem with individuality or chaos. Your problems are not ours. We are superior. Yes, we do, at times, work as a collective but not because we are being forced to. We simply do it because we know that it is the correct way of doing things. Certain tasks need to be accomplished, and we know how to do it without suffering the unfortunate ills of humanity.

TK: And I am sure we often give you trouble.

D: All the time.

TK: You do understand that I don't agree with any of this.

D: I am well aware of where you stand on the matter.

TK: And you could consider my standing on this to be that... chaos you mentioned.

D: Perhaps. It seems a bit more like ignorance to me. I am interested in your work. I don't despise you.

TK: But do you think I would be better off if I adapted to your way of thinking?

D: I think you would do better if you applied yourself to better instruction.

TK: Your instruction?

D: Oh, I don't think so, but I am very good at referrals.

TK: No, thank you.

D: Continue.

TK: Some of my readers were interested in who you are. They may not understand that, from my perspective, you look like a human being.

D: Physically, I am.

TK: But you have no soul.

D: I do not have a soul.

TK: Do you want a soul?




TK: I'm not bringing that up again.

D: Try not to get too upset with me. I really am happy to be here.

TK: I'll try. Sorry, if I offended you.

D: I'm not offended.

TK: Could you please tell my readers what you do for a living.

D: I invest with the purpose of making money.

TK: Alright, I wanted to say something about that.

D: I am eager to hear you.

TK: I have looked into investments a number of times in my life. It honestly just seems like playing the lottery. Unless you have some sort of insider knowledge, there is really no point in bothering with it. It's all chance.

D: [He chuckles.] It may be chance to the layman. To me, it is merely a puzzle that needs to be solved.

TK: A puzzle requires a pattern.

D: There is a pattern to it. It's not chance. You simply crunch the numbers and produce a solution. You then apply said solution and reap the rewards.

TK: It can't be that simple.

D: But it is. I am always surprised to hear people refer to the stock market as a game of chance. It isn't that at all.

TK: You aren't doing a very good job at making me feel very smart.

D: I wasn't really trying to.

TK: When did you first realize that you were a demon?

D: I was thirteen.

TK: Interesting number.

D: Why?

TK: Okay, before I make myself sound more like an idiot, can you tell me a bit more about what it was like to realize that you had no soul?

D: I think I need to clarify something. It was at thirteen that I was invited into this person.

TK: You were invited?

D: Yes.

TK: By a thirteen-year-old boy?

D: Yes. I was his friend. He offered and I accepted.

TK: [I was having a little trouble getting my words out at this point. I'm not going to type out all my stuttering.] But where is he now?

D: Who?

TK: The boy.

D: He is me. The boy you seem to be referring to is a memory. He allowed me to make better use of him. That was very kind of him. We were friends.

TK: So he's gone.

D: It's just a body. I am putting it to better use than he ever would have. You are doing a rather good job yourself with yours. That's all there is to it.

TK: I can't believe what I'm hearing.

D: Is this upsetting you?






D: Take all the time you need. I am rather upset myself that you got upset.

TK: I'm fine. I just needed a drink. I was getting a little dehydrated.

D: I understand.

TK: I talked to my friends a little about this whole thing, and I asked them to provide me with questions that I can ask on their behalf. In the interest of time, I am not going to ask all of them but have picked my favorites out of them and narrowed them down to four.

D: Very good.

TK: I just want you to answer each of them as clearly as you can and then we will end the interview for today.

D: Go ahead then.

TK: What do you dream about?

D: As in when I am asleep or is your friend talking about personal aspirations?

TK: Honestly, I didn't even think about that. Let's go with the second.

D: I marvel at the very idea of absolute equality. A perfectly functioning world where humans and demons operate as one towards the goal of indomitable synchronicity.

TK: Just to cover both bases, do you actually dream at night?

D: I do not dream, but I believe I have heard of a demon having dreams before. Generally they are the dreams of the human who once owned the body.

TK: What are the angels to you?

D: [He smiles and chuckles.] No less than than your fathers and mothers. Elders. We listen and as do accordingly.

TK: Do you consider them greater than you?

D: I know they do. I am still more of a proponent of equality.

TK: This is more my own question but is there a difference to you between the regular angels and the fallen angels?

D: [He out right laughed.] Nobody has fallen. That's a myth. The angels are what they are, and we are what we are. We all have our places, and Heaven and Earth would be much better off if we could simply work together and establish a status quo of some sort.

TK: Do you know love, if so what is love?

D: Well, it's really the same thing as desire, isn't it? If you love something, you want it. Humans romanticize it a bit more than they need to. I hear them say they love different things so complacently that a greater meaning seems implausible to me.

TK: Um... Okay. You answered the second half of the question. So can I assume that you... know love?

D: I appreciate the qualities of love--the qualities of which I just detailed. So yes.

TK: So... uh... Okay then. My last question is this: If all your desires were fulfilled what would you do next?

D: Die, probably. If not that, I would promote the status quo. I have no interest in either stopping what I am doing or changing my plans in any way. I do nothing in the name of chaos.

TK: Thank you very much for coming. I may invite you back later on. Would you be interested in a return?

D: Yes. And I will continue to monitor your blog as well as your other works. The experience was fascinating.

TK: Excellent. Have a good day.

D: Goodbye.

[Thank you for reading my blog. Did you enjoy it? Did you hate it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Thank you!]


  1. This demon replaced the soul of the boy? Don't answer if the mystery is important as a mystery. His take on love was especially interesting. It was "cynical" from a human perspective but was not said with irony. The demon was entirely matter-of-fact. LOVE is DESIRE. God distinguishes LOVE from FRIENDSHIP accordingly. By his LOVE, his DESIRE, what he WANTS, he wanted LOVE to be meaningful... so it became one as the love in the heart of Jesus. The demon is clearly a sociopath. His thoughts are clear and his emotions under his control. His passions are something he channels to use as energy. The part where he describes economics and finance: WOW! He sees the numbers fro what they are. He sees the patterns and follows the logic, thus, it is not CHANCE, and never was. His superior intellect was spot on and it was good of you to be honest rather than vain about it. Well done, blog!

    1. Thanks for the comment. I tried to relay is a clearly as I could.

  2. Love and desire are often confused. The demon possessed the boy, which comes down to taking what is desired. Since the offer was made, the transaction was carried out.

    1. That's what it certainly seemed like. The thing that blew my mind was that the kid was too immature to make this decision competently.

  3. So real it's creepy! The Demon's response to the question about love rang so very true as a demonic perspective. Learning he possessed a thirteen year old boy adds an erie personal element to it. A very enlightening interview, we should know our enemies so as to avoid their games.

    1. Yes, creepy was the word. You'd be surprised how comfortable you can be around him though. I'm not saying it's not uncanny or anything. But he goes out of his way to try and relax you. This particular one, mind you.
