Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Fairy Tale Spotlight: That Dark Spot

Is there a place in your house you don't visit very often? Almost every house has one. Sometimes there is a closet that is never opened. It can be an attic or a basement that has simply been neglected. What about under your bed? Checked there lately? I went around my house and found at least 5 different places that just felt... dark. Even with the lights on, those places just don't seem to brighten up the way they should.

In a few of them, I took a flashlight and shined it in. Normally the light would fill the area, but at most it just created a dot that illuminated one object at a time. Has that ever happened to you? What about when you were young? I have a feeling that this is more common than we may think because a number of fairy tales seems to rely on this darkness that simply won't go away.

Human beings love to see things. We are afraid of what we cannot see. A dark spot in the house generally becomes an undesirable area that we tend to avoid. We call it a nuisance, but it may be more than that. What if something was in there that we did not want to associate with? If not that, maybe just bugs? It could be a number of reasons. Are there really monsters under the bed? Is there really another world in the darkest portion of the wardrobe?

Fairy tales can often exploit the dark places and make something of it. It can either be an entry way or an exit. It is a portal to another world of either horror or wonder. I love this concept. I love looking at the dark space under my bed and imagining that it goes somewhere.

Let me tell you something neat. I recently had a fantasy about a little girl who befriended a wolf. The wolf said that the only way she would be allowed to be his friend was if he could eat her up later in life. There was a crawlspace in the house that, when removed, would lead into a fairy forest filled with other wolves who had likewise befriended other children. The crawlspace was in the hallway of my actual house, but... it isn't actually there. For some reason my mind put it in a particular spot.

Anyways, this idea eventually evolved into a fairly different story called "A Wolf in my Bedroom," which has been published on Amazon.com. The story had nothing of the original fairyland through the crawlspace idea, but somehow, I couldn't stop thinking about it as I wrote it. I still think about it. I still kinda wonder what happened in that strange scenario. Maybe it will see the light of day in the future.

So tell me if you have experienced this sort of phenomenon. Is there a dark spot in your house that could lead into another place? Is the place amazing or scary? Where does your imagination take you?

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below or you can email me at tkwadeauthor@gmail.com. You can also visit my website at www.tkwade.com. Thanks!


  1. The wardrobe of THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE was such a place. The basement of my mom's best friend was such a place. I found out later that my mom's friend's house was actually haunted. She moved away to escape it. Yeah, there are "dark corners of the earth" not so far away. As an idea, it is fascinating. As a spot in a house it brings the strange and familiar together wonderfully, for better or worse.

    1. Illusion is a major part of magic. It has much to do with what you can't see that allows things to come through.

  2. People have a fascination with looking into dark places. Though it is dangerous, that is part of the appeal. When you stare into the abyss, it stares back.

  3. The first house I lived in when I was young had a dark spot in the backyard at night, even though there was a security light that would shine out towards it there was always a void. This of course inspired a lot of nightmares. As I grew older I imagined such places as spots that are sinking to a lower frequency.

    1. And they scare you too. Demons are more known to make themselves known to children. People tend to shrug these off as a wild imagination when they are older.
