Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Problems with Christian Entertainment

I'm just going to come out with it. Christian entertainment in TV and film-making is terrible. They have always been terrible. They will likely never be not terrible. There is no point in watching any of them. With some very few exceptions, they are all crap. You are better off watching 70's movies about Satanism than giving time to the boiled garbage that is Christian entertainment.

I think I always knew it to be true, but after seeing the 2018 Samson movie, I really just cannot put up with it anymore. It's just all bad. If a movie comes out saying things like "Christian" or "Inspirational" just go to the nearest secular movie and enjoy yourself.

Christian movies have pretty much always been bad. You can go back in time as far as you want, and there is nothing worth looking at. If anything they got worse as time went on. The reason for all the stupid comes from the fact that organized Christians tend to be incredible prudes that don't even respect their own source material. They are willing to change or rip apart scenes from The Bible itself just so that people have a much friendlier outlook on what Christianity is.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Samson was having fun at a brothel! He was screwing women he didn't know. God had no problem with him until way later when he cut his hair! God is not a prude. And The Bible is a good book exactly as it is. The stories within it are amazing. And honestly, those stories really are intended for adults. These movies are softened up as if we were fragile little children who can't handle that God was laughing his ass off while Samson was being an awful person!

I get that Sunday School stuff tends to be softer for the children there, but it never stopped. Organized Christianity treats everyone like children. They have no respect for any of us. Their movies are shit. Either use the source material as it is given, or stop making these pointless films! I'm not impressed. God isn't impressed. None of these stories are the least bit interesting as presented. It's all trash, and if every one of them is burned up in a fire, the world will be cleaner for it.

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  1. Bravo! Yes, "Christian" entertainment is lousy. It pretends to honor the unlimited God with limited perspectives. Its makers seldom bother, believing THE Maker prefers propaganda to artistic merit. God is the ARTIST, not the Church Lady.

  2. Indeed what passes as Christian entertainment is pandering feel-good garbage. Ironic that they claim to worship the Truth but stray so far from him. The lack of effort put into these productions is the very thing that bores God.

    1. If they would just go by their source material, it wouldn't be so bad. Apparently they don't find it interesting.

  3. The good movies they make are the inspirational ones. However, they do have a tendency to change things to make themselves more comfortable. So, when someone comes along and just tells the story they are shocked.

    1. We learn more about God and the truth of Him when they just follow the source material correctly.
