Monday, February 17, 2020

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Potential Energy

There are two kinds of energy: kinetic and potential. Kinetic is flow. Potential is balance. All things function through the principles of these two types of energy. But I want you to see human beings how some very powerful people do. To them, they see humans, like you and me, as having some very powerful potential energies.

Take a rubber band. Stretch it across two points and let it snap. The rubber band is not doing anything, but there is still a lot of energy stored there. This energy is called potential energy. If you were to slide one end of the rubber band off, all that potential energy would turn into kinetic energy as the rubber band flew away. But while it is suspended between two points, all it has is potential.

Human beings are much like this rubber band. They stretch themselves in such a way that they can do anything. And at the point of their choosing, they can release themselves to make things happen. Remember that this is a choice they can make. Humans were meant to have control over their own energy.

Now let's go back to our rubber band analogy. What if you were to take a pair of scissors. and cut the rubber band while it is suspended between two points. At this point there would be a violent snap where the rubber band would instantly be un-tethered and wildly fly off in a direction. The potential energy of the rubber band is very suddenly converted into kinetic, but something different happens when all of it is expended. The rubber band is not as useful as it was before.

Cutting the rubber band produces a far more violent and shocking reaction, yet it likely will not be reproduced a second time without some much needed first aid. And even so, it will never be what it once was. This analogy is used to explain that human potential can be exploited by others, but it often ruins the human in the process. It can also kill them.

Let's tie the rubber band back together and do it again. Another cut, another violent snap. Tie again and repeat. Every time you do this, the rubber band gets more and more useless. The potential energy of the rubber band becomes less strong. Eventually there is no real way to direct it properly, at which point it is probably best to just toss it in the trash.

Humans were not meant to be treated this way. We were meant to chose our own destinies and fling ourselves at them in the time and manner that pleases us. To have someone else make these choices for us is like having our rubber bands cut. They are sacrificing us. All kinetic energy created is captured and stored by them. We get nothing.

This is the sort of way a high priest thinks of us. We are just creatures filled with potential energies that need to be exploited. But you have to remember that there are a lot of humans with lots of energies to take. When the world looks so full of useful humans, what would be the point in being so careful? To a high priest, it is far easier to just cut the rubber band and move on to the next. To a high priest, any human can be sacrificed if it will suit his needs.

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  1. Fascinating. You explained human sacrifice in a way that makes sense. You gave a reason to the rhyme. High priests are masterminds. By cold intellect they know a way to utilize all that raw potential. Like you said: There are so many humans to sacrifice, there is no logical point to savor all those lives. This world has become a murderous hell accordingly. Saddest of all, its victims get in line to be next, believing the sound of a dinner bell meant THEY were called to supper.

    1. One thing I did not mention is that... it really isn't as hard a thing to do as you might think. Most people are just close minded, and close-mindedness is preached. High Priests are just humans acting like humans ought to. What they see is what was there all along but nobody cared to bother with.

  2. Awesome analogy, indeed the more we are cut and tied up in knots the less we have to expend. We have to be the master of our own energies, we have to pick our own direction and launch ourselves otherwise someone else will. We can become immune to outside influences by thinking for ourselves and using our own talents to fulfil our destinies.

    1. You got to take care of yourself first. High priests are very careful to do that. But even if you are not high-priesting, you need to prevent others from controlling you.

  3. Exploiting others to get what you want is not just a human tendency. So, it does not surprise me that people would be sacrificed for someone's agenda. However, the powerful should be aware that they may very well suffer the same fate.

    1. The powerful are not always wrong when they control the weak. It depends on the circumstance.
