Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Strange Brigade [Game Review]

When I first saw screenshots of the 2018 video game Strange Brigade, I actually thought I was looking at shots from another game I like called Uncharted. It certainly got my interested because I actually love the Uncharted games. Where it is true that this game does have similar gameplay, it is actually it's own thing and terrific fun as well.

The concept of Strange Brigade is that there is a group of adventurers in the 1930s who fight off ancient supernatural forces, while at the same time getting a lot of treasure for their troubles. They are a wildly internationally diverse team that have their own dirigible, which acts as their home base. I don't normally like things done with diversity in mind, but the way the game works actually favors this setup.

You see, Strange Brigade is intended as an online co-op game where you can play whoever you want. I chose to play an American cowboy who happened to be on the team. My friend played a snobbish British guy. We made for a fairly motley couple as we gunned down zombies while raiding an ancient Egyptian tomb.

There is also a hilarious narrator that frequently will remark at what's going on. He is constantly making puns about whatever is happening on the adventure. He comes across more like a radio program announcer, and usually ends with something like, "Just another daring feat brought to you by... THE STRANGE BRIGADE!" It's very charming and entertaining.

The combat in the game is incredibly fierce. They throw many enemies at you at one time, and even with another player, you can get overwhelmed. I liked this. It reminded me of the fun I had in Doom. You have to constantly keep moving and roll around to avoid being hit. They really did a great job with this.

The bosses in the game are amazing. They look cool and have devastating yet fun attacks you have to avoid. You really feel like you are going up against ancient forces. My favorite battle was actually with a giant Anubis. He was really intimidating! After defeating him, we experienced a bug that deleted our progress for that fight. This meant we had to fight him a second time, and I didn't really mind it because it was such a great fight.

The final boss was actually brilliantly presented. It was extremely intense and felt large scale. I don't want to spoil it, but there is every reason to look forward to the final boss of the game. It blew my mind and was totally epic in presentation.

Strange Brigade may seem to have a forced diversity message on the surface, but the truth is that you can play it with whoever you want. You can make the experience anything you and your friends want it to be. It can also be played in single player, but be prepared to go up against staggering odds. I recommend this game to anyone who loves the supernatural/adventure genre.

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. This sounds like a cool pulp adventure game. I like the idea of the motley crew that gets together for an adventure. I always like when there is a narrator that makes light of the situation.

    1. I was really impressed! Some of the best boss battles I have been in within a co-op game.

  2. By having home base a dirigible, you can bring home to anywhere in the world. It is a quaint thing I love about such games as MASS EFFECT: "your house goes with you." Story wise, ensemble casts are better drama, since the characters have more FAMILIAR characters to interact with.

    1. And I did love swaggering around with that cowboy!

  3. The problem with diversity is that it focuses on our differences. It separates us, instead of bringing us together. A team is composed of different people working together for a common purpose.

    1. But with this game, you can just be who you want to be and the other character's end up not being a part of that story.
