Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Finding Things Out for Yourself

I suppose everyone is looking for someone to tell them what the truth is. This often devolves into just believing the person who you agree with the most. However, when you do this, you are merely letting that person, of whom you have chosen, think for you. By your choice, they have chosen what you believe for you. I don't recommend doing this ever.

Unless you have a massive disorder that prevents you from thinking and learning on your own, you should have the mental capacity to make a surprising amount of discoveries on your own. It does take effort, but you will not regret the work you put into it.

This is not to say that listening to other people and what they have to say is wrong. You should listen to others. In fact, you should go a bit deeper. You should listen to them and try to understand where they are coming from. Try and figure out why they say the things they say. People are not just word and sentence factories. They speak from a point of view based on their own choices and experiences. (Mostly choices.)

The point here is that, at the end of the day, your choices are your own, and choosing simply to believe someone you like is foolhardy. The choice has to be made entirely by you for your own reasons that came from you and only you. Listening to others merely spark ideals and create bits of knowledge which you can use... but you should not own them in the same way as the people you were listening to. Even my own advice in this blog is not to be out rightly believed. You merely need to just hear what I have to say and go on your own personal journey to see if I am right. (Yes, this is a conundrum, but there is no way around it.)

I do meet a lot of "Yes, I agree with you!" from others, especially my friends. Certainly from the people who regularly reply to my blogs, who like my blogs, have been agreeing with me. I still extend to them the responsibility of making sure that their thoughts are their own. Now... don't be paranoid about it. People do line up from time to time. And if you consider me a good source of information and advice, then fine. But just make sure that you are agreeing with me for more than just the fact that you like me or my blog.

The thing is that I do this personally. I do have a personal belief that a lot of fairy tales are based on ancient accounts of humans coming into contact with real fairies. The stories may either be a direct re-telling of the events or merely inspired by them in general. Either way, I believe that fairies were and are real and are likely encounters with what we know as Angels (fallen or otherwise) and demons. That is what I believe, but that doesn't mean you have to. But whatever you decide on, let it be based on your own personal research and not just because you either liked or disliked what I say here.

I have spent years of research and moments of deep thought trying to put a lot of things together before I started publishing my findings. I work most of my beliefs into my works of fiction. My Christian beliefs are published in "Our Divine Comedy" and "Our Divine Spinoff." Those works of literature are all mine. They are not based on anything anyone has told me. I vetted everything anyone ever suggested to me. So even if what I published is wrong [And they could be!] absolutely everything came from my own independent thought. They are mine, and I own license to every word I deliver to you.

In any case, I do hope you have been enjoying my blogs. I intend to continue writing them as well as my books. They come out a lot slower now, as I have a number of other projects I have been working on, but there are more still to come. Thank you all for reading my stuff. And remember, be wholly yourself in all things! You are the way you are for a reason. Never take that lightly!

Thank you for reading my blog! Did you enjoy it? Either way, you can comment below, or you can email me at You can also visit my website at Check out my books! Thanks!


  1. I have noticed that humans are innately insightful. Most of us conscientiously second guess ourselves, however. We are told by voices outside of ourselves that our inner voice is that of a fool or lunatic. We must surrender ourselves to the wisdom and sanity of strangers called "experts" or "scientists" or whatever other title these outsiders bestow upon each other. At that point, we become brainwashed, ignoring ourselves entirely.

    1. It's okay to second guess a little as a skeptic, but don't just throw it out. Check into everything!

  2. The problem with believing others is that they could be wrong. We do not know everything, so what we think we know is suspect. What is real will be demonstrated, whether we understand it or not.

    1. We can be wrong too, but as long as they are our own thoughts, there is no sin there.

  3. Indeed, we should seek the truth no matter what the cost. It's ok to be wrong, but to follow another blindly without thought is sinful. Jesus is the Truth, The Way, and The Life... when we take this to heart the responsibility falls to us to follow him in all things. By his example we should think for ourselves even going against tradition or dogma even if it means our death or ridicule.
