Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: God Rested?

After creating the universe in six days, we all know that God apparently rested on the seventh. Now if God is an infinite being, why in the world would he need to do that? The whole idea of being an infinite being is that you are not plagued by the same entropy that we experience. So what gives?

Humans are constantly running low on energy. Whether it is a job or a hobby, we will soon run out of energy and need to build that energy back up. We do this in a number of ways. We eat. We take breaks. We sleep. But at the end of the day, all those things boil down to is one thing: rest. Humans need to rest. We need to rest because we live within a universe that is always sapping us out of our energies. Heck, even if we sit and do nothing all day, we'll still need that rest eventually.

But God is not here. He is outside our system of entropy. He is literally immortal and does not need to concern himself with the very concept of waning energies. If so, why in the world would he actually need to rest. I bet you think I have an answer already prepared, don't you?


The truth is that God did not actually need to rest. There was no need for it. His "rest" was merely to take a break and admire his creation. He just wanted to sit and look at it for a bit... and probably smile a little too. He is very much like the painter who spends day after day trying to get every detail correct, and when he finally finished, he just pulls up a chair, sits down, and just stares at what he has done.

God did not rest because he needed to rest. He rested because he wanted to. And amazingly what he did is entirely relatable. We can and should understand why he rested. What he did was more than just creating a standard day for us to go to church. He showed to us that we really are not all that different than he is. After all, we were made in his image. Next time you finish a project and you choose to just sit there, admiring it, understand that that was what God did when he created all of you. We are all human at the end of the day, only one of us happens to be immortal.

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  1. That makes sense. He is the Artist. There is no point in creating art except to admire it. The "art" is a practical necessity otherwise. It is not so wonderous if merely a finely crafted cog for a machine. God created and wanted to bask in the beauty of his whimsy. He wanted to dwell on the carefully crafted details that made all the difference.

    1. It has to be what is happening because, if God is an infinite being, he has no need to rest.

  2. Indeed, after creation God did want to marvel at what he had done. God does not need anything, he created because he was inspired and did not tire from it. He took a step back and saw that it was good.

    1. Yeah, He actually says that. "It was good." How would He have known if He didn't stop and look.

  3. What is the point of creating if you do not make time to enjoy what was made? This is an example for us concerning what is really important. We should work to enjoy the fruits of our labors.

    1. It would seem weird if he didn't spend time doing that.
