Monday, July 12, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: What is Normal?

I ask you the question, "What is normal?" And yes, I intend to assist you with an answer. Normality is something of a comparative adjective. It requires an abundance of either something or nothing in order for it to make sense. If something is normal, it is because there are an abundance of similar things that ultimately dictate what can be considered normal. Normality is perceivable but not necessarily subject to any opinion.

If every person on the planet had six fingers on each hand, having six fingers on each hand would be normal. The odd human who had only five fingers on each hand would be abnormal, though I'm sure he'd be a fine fellow regardless. However, as it stands, having five fingers on each hand is normal.

Normality, in some circumstances, can be altered over time. The only thing that needs to chance is the vast circumstances relating to what is normal. In one century, normality may dictate that people should stand up when a woman enters the room. In the next century, hardly anyone is doing it, therefore the act is no longer normal. Opinions changed on what should be done when a woman enters into a room and so what was once normal is no longer normal, because it isn't happening as much anymore.

What we consider to be miracles are not normal. They hardly ever happen, which makes them rare. If people rose from the dead constantly, we wouldn't think anything of it. It would be normal.

If everyone has the same disease, then that makes that disease normal. Someone without the disease would be considered abnormal.

From what I have noticed, most people are lazy and apathetic. Entirely normal. If you do not strive for anything more than wasting your lives away, then I would congratulate you on being 100% normal. Most people are like you. You need not fear. You are absolutely among the normal people.

And I guess I've made my point. The truly extraordinary people in the world are not normal. Unusual people tend to catch our attention. We see them and notice them and sometimes even hate them for their abnormal nature. Abnormal things tend to have power because they bother to break cycles in this world. Normality holds people back because they are required to conform to a mass lethargy. Normality is a rut. It's boring. It's often uninteresting. It's also well-sought after. People want to be normal. People are expected to be normal. My only concern is... who or what is dictating what normal is supposed to be?

For me, I'd rather just be myself and figure it all out on my own. I'm not too concerned with what everyone thinks something should be. I just sort of go with my heart. Normality is a bit too sticky for me. I'd really rather be free of it entirely. I will never be you. I shall always be me. Because of this, I simply cannot be normal.

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  1. There is a common hypocrisy, a NORMAL tendency, if you will, to want something new yet want everything to be the same. It is the ordinary people, the NORMAL people wanting their instant gratifications to be repeated. They instead grow numb to their cheap thrills. They are frustrated by their inability to find joy in their pleasures. They consume their every blessing rather than make something of them. They are the trees that bear no fruit. The world is dying accordingly. No, normality in this world is nothing to strive for.

    1. Well once you break into the real world, it ends up being scary, and the idea of taking responsibility doesn't see so great anymore.

  2. The normal can also be called ordinary. They can barely be distinguished from the masses. There are those who fall in line, and those who make their own way.

  3. Indeed to be normal is to be common and lost in a crowd. Individuals change the world for better or worse, not by being normal but being who they truly are. Entropy is the default, to make something new takes effort and hard work. Few are up to the challenge but the few who are truly awaken to infinite possibilities.

    1. Yeah, you gotta actually push back. Gravity is always trying to kill you!
