Monday, December 27, 2021

Fairy Tale Spotlight: The Over-Vilification of Lucifer

I randomly mentioned the title of this blog in my last blog "Misunderstandings About the Bible." If you actually read through the Old Testament, you might not actually feel too angry with Lucifer. Most of my ire went towards the Israelites who, over many generations, proved how stupid human beings as a collective species really are. And while I am really just flabbergasted how evil and horrible these people were, I wasn't really thinking too much about Lucifer.

Even in the Garden of Eden, I wasn't really mad at Lucifer for tempting Eve. If anything he was very helpful in showing a problem that was already brewing within the human race with the very first two test subjects! Thanks Lucifer! You made very clear we've all been dumbasses from the very first! It was a public service, I guess.

Now, just to be clear, Lucifer is actually evil. He is against the way of God. And God is far more righteous than he is by dint of Him being the Creator. If you are a timeless, immaterial being, you automatically get the supreme stamp of righteousness by simply being the standard by which all things come from. Lucifer, although a great angelic being, still exists on our level. He did see himself as getting a raw deal and wanted equity with God. That's bad. He messed up. Even so, he's just one angel. Think of all the billions upon billions of humans that have done the same thing without the help of Lucifer.

Lucifer did not make Eve do what she did. He merely tempted her to prove a valid point. She could have resisted that temptation, but she didn't.... because she was stupid. Adam was stupid too. They were all very, very stupid. You live in the Garden of God, a place of happiness and perfection... and you have one job: don't eat the fruit. Just don't do it. No. Lucifer did not cause the fall of Adam and Eve; he exposed the stupidity of humanity for what it was.

Stop blaming Lucifer for everything. Take responsibility for a change. If you keep blaming an unseen entity for all your problems, what incentive do you even have for improving yourself? Rise above your own failures before you can even bother dealing with the likes of Lucifer. Maybe if you actually do bother, you might actually get his attention, but I can guarantee that the angel doesn't even know who you are. He's not whispering in your ear. He doesn't have to. Most people are perfectly capable of being stupid all on their own. And when the day comes when you have cleaned up your act, and actually have bothered to improve yourself, he might show up and whisper those things. That's the real test. It's a test almost nobody ever gets. Honestly, other than Eve, I only know of Jesus at this point.

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  1. Your most profound point was "Hey! Lucifer doesn't even know who you are! You're too unimportant! No, he's not going to pay your irrelevant ass a visit!" If you are important, you shall gain his attention. If he makes a fool of you, you deserve it... FOR BEING A FOOL! If you are worthy of your importance, however, Lucifer can do nothing but make a fool of himself.

    1. Lucifer is barely as bad as he is often pitched. It's ridiculous. They blame him for everything.

  2. "The Devil made me do it" doesn't really work when we realize we were to blame from the beginning. Indeed Lucifer only pointed out a flaw, Adam made the mistake of blazing the path of stupidity. The common man isn't tempted by Lucifer, he is only tempted by his own stupidity.

  3. He does not make us do anything. We decide to disobey and there are consequences. Humans can only be tempted with that which they already desired.

    1. I think Lucifer can set some things in motion within human nature, but he doesn't perpetuate it.
