Friday, June 24, 2022

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Baruch [Book Review]

"Baruch" or "The Prophecy of Baruch" is a book found within the "Douay-Rheims Bible," which is one of the Catholic Bibles. It was written by Baruch who was... kinda like a secretary for Jeremiah. And if this book is to be believed, he was also a prophet himself.

In many ways, this book feels like an extension of the books by Jeremiah that were in the King James Version that I read earlier. This book is a powerful, heavy-hitting piece of literature about how stupid people in the Old Testament were... and why they deserved to be taken over by Babylon. That said, it does end up being slightly redundant.

But I was particularly curious about this one. I was surprised to find out that Baruch even had a book. In fact, it was this book that made me want to dust off the extra books from the Catholic Bible. It didn't really disappoint. I liked it. He definitely had the angry spice of the guy he worked for.

What I didn't expect was that he was considered a prophet too. That's a little weird. A prophet working for a prophet? I am a little bit skeptical. Could it be that he was just parroting the things he was hearing from Jeremiah? There's nothing wrong with that, if that's what he was doing, but that wouldn't make him a prophet. Either way, I don't actually know. This paragraph was more speculative than anything.

There were a couple things that popped out to me. There was a passage that suggested that one of the sins was that parents were eating the flesh of their children for some reason. This is seriously difficult to imagine, but it's not below the sinful people of the time. They were also burning their babies alive, so I rather think it was probable.

The book also talks about the giants that walked the earth. He mentions that they were experts at war. God did not like them and made it so that they would perish. I always like it when these giants are mentioned.

There was also an interestingly written prophecy of Christ. He speaks of Jesus in the past tense as if he has already shown up and walked among us. This is actually not incorrect if he is really receiving the message from God himself, since God has a different perspective of the whole story of humanity. The tense of this reads like this: "Afterwards he was seen upon the earth, and conversed with men." Note that this was written within the Old Testament.

The final chapter of the book seems to be a letter from Jeremiah about how stupid it is to worship lifeless idols. It's pretty straightforward and logical. A good read, all in all. I recommend "Baruch" honestly. It's about a 30 minute read, and no reason to skip something so severely written. Good stuff.

This blog was written on April 29, 2022.

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  1. We are harvesting the unborn for organs NOW and have been for decades. People claimed they would become pregnant to provide a fetus for stem cells to save already born loved ones. Parents eating their young is ENTIRELY believable. It is already being discussed that we can "save the environment" if we eat our own dead.

    It was Baruch that mentioned the giants were experts in war. I think he gave the number of them too.

    1. It begs the question: How bad did it really get? And also: How bad COULD it get? The idea of it all inspires thoughts of horror.

  2. Considering the things still done today, the acts he mentions are not really surprising. A great deal is hidden, but we know it is there. Humans like to think they have made progress, but their wickedness is evident.

  3. When sin runs rampant there are no depths that people will not explore, they are always looking for the next drug. Interesting about the giants, filled with a lust for war and unfriendly. It's no wonder why God didn't care for them.

    1. Was surprised to hear about that in this one, but it was cool!
