Monday, June 5, 2023

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Clothes Make the Man [Short Story Review]

[This blog spoils the main points of the story.]

"Clothes Make the Man" is a short story written by Richard Matheson, and it was published in 1951. It is a very short one from the author, and I was able to finish it in one sitting.

This one felt like a sillier take on "Shock Wave," with Matheson obsessing about inanimate objects becoming sentient. In the case of "Shock Wave" it was a church organ. In this story, it was a suit of tailored clothes.

The idea here is that a man is not a man unless he is dressed well. The strange thing that happens in this story is that his wonderful clothing becomes sentient and abandons him, causing the poor guy to be left a complete loser. It even steals his wife away from him, leaving him completely cucked by his own outfit. Very droll, but also very silly.

That's really the whole thing. I found it a bit too hard to explain the story without talking about what actually happens. It's also a bit too difficult to avoid just up and saying that a guy gets cucked by the clothing he wears. That's pretty funny, you have to admit.

Even so, I do recommend "Clothes Make the Man." It was pretty funny and doesn't outlive its welcome. It's not to be taken seriously though.

This blog was written on May 5, 2023.

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  1. The story is a comedic parable about people allowing how they are perceived to replace their true selves. After awhile, the illusion takes on a life of its own... and we live to maintain the illusion rather than to accomplish anything real.

    1. People sometimes spend their entire lives trying to be something that they aren't. What a waste.

  2. There are ideas which appeal to us because they are ridiculous. It is best to write them as if they are real. Then, the comedy comes through naturally.

  3. A man being cucked by his own outfit is hilarious... Interesting that Matheson seemed to be experimenting with bizarre notions, I like it. The horror comes when you put yourself in the other man's shoes... haha.
