Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Oz Magic

If you were a citizen of Oz or any of its surrounding fairylands, you would probably be using magic as a day to day thing. I'm not talking about spell-casting and such; leave that to the witches and sorcerers. I am talking about simple magic such as using enchanted items.

Think of it like this: You accidently fell in some mud and got yourself all dirty, so you go home to get cleaned up. At home there is a special arch that cleans anything that walks through it. You simply walk through the arch and you and your clothing are perfectly clean in seconds. You can also stick dirty dishes through the arch too, and they come out spotless.

I know this example sounds amazing, but you wouldn't think it was that big of a deal if you lived in Oz. You might also have a bread box that has one new loaf of bread in it every single day. Once again, it is something you'd just get used to. You'd always have bread, and you'd never have to actually make it.

These two examples are based on magical items available in Oz. They are rather normal things that a regular citizen of Oz might have in their home. They generally don't make these things themselves, but they likely get them from an approved magic user in the Emerald City. Counties on the outside of Oz likely have their own wizards that can handle such things.

Now imagine going to Oz and telling them that you don't have magic where you come from. You might find the Ozian to be just as shocked as you are. "How do you even do anything?!" they might say.

As to the dirty clothing issue, you can try and explain about washing machines. You can also mention showers and baths for how we clean ourselves. Bread will have to be baked or bought from a store, only for the same process to happen again when the bread runs out or gets moldy. To an Ozian, these chores will probably sound really offensive. They'll see you as some poor, sad person stuck doing things the hard way.

It's all a matter of point of view. You see them as fantastic, and they they see you as sad and pathetic. This is something that has happened here and there throughout the book series. I find it very amusing. Just think how easy living here would be if we could add a little magic to it. But then again, if we had self-washing clothing and insta-bread, Oz might not be all that interesting anymore. Ha!

This blog was written on December 18, 2023.

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  1. We take the world we live in for granted, no matter how amazing it may be. This world now, for example, would be amazing to every other age... yet we are as unimpressed at they were in their lesser versions of the world. A fairyland is only a wonder land to visitors, it seems.

    1. Yes, and it is a shame we can't have those same things right now. We could if we bothered.

  2. It's funny how extraordinary things can quickly become normal and taken for granted. It would be awesome to live in a world of magic, but then again don't we already? Our technology that we taken for granted gets better by the day, who knows our near future may look similar to Oz.

    1. if people from the past showed up in the present, it would seem like a fairyland for a time.

  3. Our technology is amazing, and we tend to take it for granted. If we had access to magical items, they would soon be viewed the same. Those poor wizards would have to constantly deal with complaints and suggestions for improvements.

    1. The wizards are kinda like the inventors of that world.
