Monday, May 27, 2024

Fairy Tale Spotlight: Hundreds of Beavers [Movie Review]

I really questioned whether or not I wanted to review this. I had to have a good think about it. I don't normally go into films, especially newer ones. Movies these days are stupid. I can't get into them. All they do is deliver meaningless popcorn entertainment or else they spend half the film trying to convince you of some dumb message. New movies suck. They just do.


"Hundreds of Beavers" is a movie released in 2024, the very year I am writing this review. It just came out in April, and this is the very beginning of May that I am writing this. Yes, this movie is extremely fresh off the presses. Also its extremely good.

"Hundreds of Beavers" is a little hard to explain. It is filmed in a flurry of artistic ways. It combined various styles such as black and white media, silent film aspects, animation, puppetry, early cartoon physics and concepts, live action mixed with cartoons, puppets, people in animal costumes, and also certain aspects of video game mechanics. There is probably more that I forgot to mention, and that is likely because the movie is just so full of ideas.

First and foremost, the movie is mainly a comedy; it is there to make you laugh. However it's a bit of a mixed genre. In addition to being a comedy, it is also a survival story, a horror movie, and a romance. It mixes everything up pretty evenly with the comedy aspect happening throughout. As silly and goofy as this movie is, you will get invested in the main character by the end of the film. You'll want him to succeed.

Oh, and what even is this movie about?! It's about a man who originally produced applejack for a living, but he loses all of that, including his farm and everything. From there, he is left out in the cold trying to survive on his wits, something he isn't good at. Actually he is pretty miserable at it. He spends half the movie trying to figure out how survival in the cold actually works.

The man ultimately learns that there is a guy who is offering goods for animal furs, and if the main character can give him enough of them, he can have his daughter as a wife. The problem is that he wants beaver furs mainly, and the beavers are freaking organized. This is a task easier said than done.

I won't spoil anymore than that, but I do want to point out that all the animals in the movie are either puppets or people in animal costumes. It's the silliest thing in the world, but you do get used to it after a while. It's just how this world works. There are no actual animals in the entire film.

The movie also works by its own set of rules. These rules are very slowly delivered as the movie progresses. A lot of it is cartoon logic that does not really lean in favor of the main protagonist. Basically it's up to the protagonist to learn these rules so that they ultimately benefit him in the hunt. That's one of the reasons it's so easy to get invested in the movie. You begin to understand that the whole movie is a puzzle made up of cartoon logic, and, once you learn the rules, you can win the game.

This movie just freaking game out, and I absolutely recommend it. Do whatever you can to see this movie. I'll be trying to get my friends a copy if I can. I think everyone needs to see this brand new movie that is worth viewing. Remember, it may be a comedy, but you will get invested in the story. There is enough there to engage you. Give this one a watch if only to celebrate that a good movie was actually released in 2024.

This blog was written on May 3, 2024.

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  1. I generally prefer surrealism to realism. I favor action-adventure and horror but a comedy can be good, especially if it runs deeper than its gags. I shall watch this movie.

  2. When you write a story, you establish the rules of that world. So, crazy things can happen based on how it is structured. However, it is important to remain consist throughout the work.

    1. Yes, although you can still make up some new ones to learn as you go.
